
    2.2. Home Energy Efficiency Database
    The Homes Energy Efficiency Database (HEED) currently contains information on the characteristics and energy efficiency on over 13 million homes from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland5. In 2010, there were approximately 27.3 million dwellings in the UK6 and HEED covers approximately 50% of the UK housing stock (Energy Saving Trust, 2010). HEED was drawn together from approximately 60 datasets and collected from approximately 20 organisations. The bulk of HEED data was classified using the Reduced Standard Assessment Procedure (rdSAP) format, which attempts to categorise dwellings into common bands relevant to modelling energy demand (BRE and DECC, 2009). Where other forms were used, additional variables were added or were allocated to the best available class within rdSAP. The Energy Saving Trust undertook this data cleaning prior to the data being made available for use in this study.
    The extract of the database in February of 2009 used in this study contained approximately 11.5 million distinct home identifiers. The data provided in HEED draws from survey data, and data on specific measures installed under a variety of government backed schemes and energy supplier obligations. Table 1 provides a summary list of these data sources andFig. 2 shows a breakdown of the sources for the analysed extract of HEED. Note that the variables collected under each source vary and many sources for measures include survey data. HEED comprises information at the inpidual dwelling level rather than by households or occupants. It contains no information on households or dwelling occupant, aside from household tenure, and thus socio-cultural and economic factors cannot be determined directly. The database primarily contains information on the physical features of the dwelling as they pertain to the energy efficiency of the structure (i.e. fabric) and the heating system; see Table 2 for a summary of the survey and measures data. Approximately 2.7 M homes appear in at least two programmes (i.e. source datasets) and 1 M in three programmes, while the majority (7.2 M) are present in only one programme, see Appendix A for more details on HEED.
     2.3. HEED and energy demand
    For this study, a dataset containing all matched HEED dwellings and related annualised gas and electricity values for the period 2004–2007 was used; Table 3 shows the number of records contained within the source data sets. Note the number of records in electricity and gas represent all meters in Great Britain, both domestic (i.e. residential) and non-domestic and that the number of records for electricity meters includes those on a time-tariff (i.e. these meters have two records each for on and off-peak time). The two time tariffs are subsequently summed together for a single annual value. Also, the 2007 gas demand is for homes in HEED only and not the whole UK—this data was not made available for use in this work. For those comparisons between HEED and non-HEED energy demand, 2006 data was used. Comparisons of energy use and for installed efficiency measures were based on 2007 data in order to capture a longer time period and more interventions.
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