
    Fig. 3. 3D solid modeling and wireframe modeling of the mould.

    262    S.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 171 (2006) 259–267

    Fig. 4. Extra air vents to avoid short shot.
    escape.  Meanwhile,  flashing  was  reduced  by  reducing  the
    packing pressure of the machine. Warpage can be controlled
    by controlling various parameters such as the injection time,
    injection temperature and melting temperature.
    After these modifications, the mould produced high qual-
    ity  warpage  testing  specimen  with  low  cost  and  required
    little finishing by de-gating. Fig. 4 shows modifications of
    the  mould,  which  is  machining  of  extra  air  vents  that  can
    eliminate short shot.

    3.2.  Detail analysis of mould and product

    After the mould and products were developed, the analysis
    of mould and the product was carried out. In the plastic injec-
    tion moulding process, molten ABS at 210 ◦C is injected into
    the mould through the sprue bushing on the cavity plate and
    directed  into  the  product  cavity.  After  cooling  takes  place,
    the product is formed. One cycle of the product takes about
    35 s including 20 s of cooling time.
    The  material  used  for  producing  warpage  testing  speci-
    men was ABS and the injection temperature, time and pres-
    sure were 210 ◦C, 3 s and 60 MPa respectively. The material
    selected for the mould was AISI 1050 carbon steel.
    Properties of these materials were important in determin-
    ing temperature distribution in the mould carried out using
    finite element analysis. Table 2 shows the properties for ABS
    and AISI 1050 carbon steel.
    The critical part of analysis for mould is on the cavity and
    core plate because these are the place where the product is
    formed. Therefore, thermal analysis to study the temperature

    Fig. 5. Model for thermal analysis.

    distribution  and  temperature  at  through  different  times  are
    performed using commercial finite element analysis software
    called  LUSAS  Analyst,  Version  13.5.  A  two-dimensional
    (2D)  thermal  analysis  is  carried  out  for  to  study  the  effect
    of thermal residual stress on the mould at different regions.
    Due to symmetry, the thermal analysis was performed by
    modeling  only  the  top  half  of  the  vertical  cross  section  or
    side view of both the cavity and core plate that were clamped
    together during injection. Fig. 5 shows the model of thermal
    analysis analyzed with irregular meshing.
    Modeling for the model also involves assigning properties
    and process or cycle time to the model. This allowed the finite
    element solver to analyze the mould modeled and plot time
    response graphs to show temperature variation over a certain
    duration and at different regions.
    For the product analysis, a two dimensional tensile stress
    analysis  was  carried  using  LUSAS  Analyst,  Version  13.5.
    Basically the product was loaded in tension on one end while
    the other end is clamped. Load increments were applied until
    the model reaches plasticity. Fig. 6 shows loaded model of
    the analysis.

    3.3.  Result and discussion for mould and product
    For mould analysis, the thermal distribution at different
    time  intervals  was  observed.  Fig.  7  shows  the  2D  analysis
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