
    S.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 171 (2006) 259–267    265
    Fig. 14. Temperature distribution graph for Node 1838.
    Fig. 15. Temperature distribution graph for Node 1904.
    stage  causes  the  material  to  cool  from  above  to  below  the
    glass transition temperature. The material experiences differ-
    ential shrinkage that causes thermal stress that might result
    in warpage.
    From the temperature after the cooling stage as shown in
    Figs. 9–17, it is clear that the area (node) located near the
    cooling channel experienced more cooling effect due to fur-
    Fig. 16. Temperature distribution graph for Node 1853.
    Fig. 17. Temperature distribution graph for Node 1866.
    ther decreasing in temperature and the region away from the
    cooling channel experienced less cooling effect. More cool-
    ing effect with quite fast cooling rate means more shrinkage
    is occurring at the region. However, the farthest region, Node
    284 experience more cooling although far away from cooling
    channel due to heat loss to environment.
    As a result, the cooling channel located at the center of the
    product cavity caused the temperature difference around the
    middle of the part higher than other locations. Compressive
    stress  was  developed  at  the  middle  area  of  the  part  due  to
    more shrinkage and caused warpage due to uneven shrinkage
    that  happened.  However,  the  temperature  differences  after
    cooling for different nodes are small and the warpage effect
    is not very significant. It is important for a designer to design a
    mould that has less thermal residual stress effect with efficient
    cooling system.
    For the product analysis, from the steps being carried out to
    analyze the plastic injection product, the stress distribution
    on  product  at  different  load  factor  is  observed  in  the  two
    dimensional analysis. Figs. 18–21 show the contour plots of
    equivalent stress at different load increments.
    A critical point, Node 127, where the product experiences
    maximum tensile stress was selected for analysis. The stress
    versus strain curve and the load case versus stress curves at
    this point were plotted in Figs. 22 and 23.
    From the load case versus stress curves at this point plotted
    in Fig. 23, it is clear that the product experiencing increased
    in tensile load until it reached the load factor of 23, which
    is 1150 N. This means that the product can withstand tensile
    load until 1150 N. Load higher than this value causes failure
    to the product. Based on Fig. 23, the failure is likely to occur at
    the region near to the fixed end of the product with maximum
    stress of 3.27 × 107 Pa.
    The product stress analysis reveals very limited informa-
    tion  since  the  product  produced  was  for  warpage  testing
    purposes  and  had  no  relation  with  tensile  loading  analy-
    sis. In future, however, it is suggested that the product ser-
    vice condition should be determined so that further analysis
    may be carried out for other behaviors under various other
    266    S.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 171 (2006) 259–267

    Fig. 18. Equivalent stress plot at load increment 1.
    Fig. 19. Equivalent stress plot at load increment 14.
    Fig. 20. Equivalent stress plot at load increment 16.
    S.H. Tang et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 171 (2006) 259–267    267
    Fig. 21. Equivalent stress plot at load increment 23.
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