
     结 论

    高速切削加工采用高的切削速度和进给速度,小的径向和轴向切削深度,切削力小,加工表面粗糙度很小,刀具寿命提高; 用高速切削加工方式替代传统加工方式加工模具,可以省去电火花加工和手工磨修,提高了模具加工的生产率,降低了生产成本,缩短了加工周期;在研究高速切削加工时,要与高速切削工艺技术紧密结合起来,真正实现高效率、高精度和高可靠性的目的。



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    High-speed cutting processing in mold manufacture application

    Abstract The current mold application is widespread, also had the very big development with it related die making technology. At present, used the high-speed cutting production mold already to become the die making the general trend. In some mold Manufacturer, the high speed engine bed big area substitution electrical discharge machine, the high-speed cutting production mold already gradually became the die making the general trend. It can improve mold's size, the shape and the surface roughness, reduces even omits the manual sharpening, thus reduces production cost and the reduction manufacturing cycle. This article through to the traditional mold processing craft and the high speed mold processing craft's contrast, elaborated the high-speed cutting processing superiority. In the article also briefly introduced the high-speed cutting processing in the processing craft aspect key technologies.

    Keywords  High-speed cutting  Grinding tool  Grinding tool processing  Process technology

     1 Introduction

    1.1 Introduction

    Along with the advance in technology and the industry swift development, the mold already became in the industrial production to use the extremely widespread main craft to equip now. The mold takes the important craft equipment, in Industry sectors and so on consumable, electric appliance electron, automobile, airplane manufacture holds the pivotal status. The manufactured products components rough machining 75%, the precision work 50% and the plastic parts 90% will complete by the mold. At present the Chinese mold market demand has reached 50,000,000,000 Yuan scales, our country die making market potential is huge. The mold is one kind of special-purpose tool, uses in forming () each metal or the nonmetallic material needs the components the shape product, this kind of special-purpose tool general designation mold. The mold is in the industrial production the most foundation equipment, is realizes the few cuttings and the non-cutting essential tool. The mold has widely used in the industrial production each domain, like the automobile, the motorcycle, the domestic electric appliances, the instrument, the measuring appliance, the electron and so on, in them 60%~80% components need the mold to carry on the manufacture; The highly effective production in enormous quantities's, bolt, nut and gasket standard letters and so on plastic also need the mold to produce; The engineering plastics, the powder metallurgy, the rubber, the alloy compression casting, the glass formation and so on need to use the mold to take shape.

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