
    All of the above examples indicate a predominance of low quality construction due to a lack of skilled labour, therefore causing a lot of damage in various parts of Iran. Regarding Table 3, nearly 53% of the respondents stated that they faced a lack of skilled labour in their projects while less than 12% did not face the problem. This statistic shows that the construction projects in Mashhad do not have enough skilled labour. On the other hand, the respondents were asked about the damages which they faced during construction by the use of unskilled labour. Accordingly, 92.2% of the projects faced damages due to unskilled labour and just 7.8% did not face any damage despite this matter. According to the respondents, sort of damages were delays, increased prices of the project (extra costs), and low quality of construction.

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  2. 下一篇:国际工程项目组织与管理英文文献和参考文献
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