
    veral examples 

    1st, transforms the X53 milling machine with SIEMENS 810M 

    In 1998, the company invested 200,000 Yuan, with German Simens the 810M numerical control system, the 611A exchange servo drive system sds was the X53 milling machine carries on X, Y, the Z three axle numerical control transformation to a company's model; Retained the original main axle system and the cooling system; The transformation three axle has used the roller lead screw and the gear drive organization on the machinery. The entire transformation work including the machine design, the electrical design, the PLC procedure establishment and the debugging, the engine bed overhaul, finally is the entire machine installment and the debugging. After the milling machine transforms, processing effective stroke X/Y/The Z axis respectively is 88.0/270/28 billion mm; Maximum speed X/Y/The Z axis respectively is 5000/1500/800 mm/Min; Manual speed X/Y/The Z axis respectively is 3000/1000/500 mm/Min; The engine bed processing precision achieves ±0.001mm. The engine bed three coordinates linkage may complete each kind of complex curve or the curved surface processing.

    2nd, transforms the C6140 lathe with GSK980T and the exchange servo drive system sds 

    In 2000, with Guangzhou numerical control plant production GSK980T numerical control system, the DA98 exchange servo unit and 4 locations automatic tool rests to an electrical machinery branch factory C6140 lathe X, the Z two axes carries on the numerical control transformation; Retained the original main axle system and the cooling system; The transformation two axes have used the roller lead screw and with the ambulacrum transmission system on the machinery. Entire transformation work including machine design, electrical design, engine bed overhaul and entire machine installment and debugging. After the lathe transforms, processing effective stroke X/The Z axis respectively is 3.90/73 million mm; Maximum speed X/The Z axis respectively is 120.0/3 million mm/Min; The manual speed is 400mm/Min; Manual is fast is X/The Z axis respectively is 120.0/3 million mm/Min; The engine bed smallest migration unit is 0.001mm.

    3rd, transforms the X53 milling machine with SIEMENS 802S 

    In 2000, the company invests 120,000 Yuan, with German Simens the 802S numerical control system, step-by-steps the actuation system is the X53 milling machine carries on X, Y, the Z three axle numerical control transformation to company's another model; Retained the original main axle system and the cooling system; The transformation three axle has used the roller lead screw and the gear drive organization on the machinery. The entire transformation work including the machine design, the electrical design, the engine bed overhaul, finally is the entire machine installment and the debugging. After the milling machine transforms, processing effective stroke X/Y/The Z axis respectively is 63.0/240/28 billion mm; Maximum speed X/Y/The Z axis respectively is 3000/1000/600 mm/Min; Manual enters for speed X/Y/The Z axis respectively is 200.0/800/5 billion mm/Min; The smallest motion unit is 0.001mm.

    1  数控系统发展简史及趋势 



    1.1  数控(NC)阶段(1952~1970年) 

      早期计算机的运算速度低,对当时的科学计算和数据处理影响还不大论文网,但不能适应机床实时控制的要求。人们不得不采用数字逻辑电路"搭"成一台机床专用计算机作为数控系统,被称为硬件连接数控(HARD-WIRED NC),简称为数控(NC)。随着元器件的发展,这个阶段历经了三代,即1952年的第一代--电子管;1959年的第二代--晶体管;1965年的第三代--小规模集成电路。 

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