
        of fossil fuels available to meet future demand.
        The effect on the global climate of burning fossil fuels.
        The pollution of the environment from the by-products of industrial development
        The safe disposal of hazardous wastes generated by industrial and military activites.
    Preserving the environment from the by-products of industrial development economic growth and maintaining inpidual life styles will be complex if not impossible. However, a high standard of living and high gross domestic product do not have to be proportionately dependent on resource consumption and environmental degradation.
    Underground space utilization can help solve the environmental/resource dilemma in several ways . Underground facilities are typically energy conserving in their own right. More importantly, by using addition to the obvious benefit of preserving green space and agricultural land, there is strong evidence that higher urban density can lower fuel resource consumption
      The Future of Underground Space Development
      Although existing underground facilities throughout the world provide some models for future development, they are all limited in scale, in their lack of a comprehensive vision for the total city environment. As a complement to more detailed planning and research studies, it is useful to examine the visions of extensive underground complexes, even entire cities, that have been proposed by futuristic planners and designers.
    Geotech`90, a conference and exhibition held in Tokyo in April 1990, was a major forum for the underground industry in Japan. More than a dozen underground concepts were displayed, ranging from the typical transit and utility uses to underground corridors that are envisioned as places for a communication network protected during disasters. Such corridors could also effectively transport both waste and energy between substations in the city and central generation and disposal sites outside the city. This approach not only relieves congestion but also can provide more efficient energy generation and recycling of waste materials. These concepts are all intended to permit a major upgrade of the city infrastructure that will eventually enable the surface to be rebuilt with more open space and a more efficient, attractive overall environment.
    When completely new cities are envisioned for the future, the underground often is a major component, as illustrated by the work of the architect Paolo Soleri over the last 30 years. In science fiction future cities often are depicted as self-contained, climate-controlled units frequently located underground for protection from the elements and possibly from a hazardous or polluted environment. In this case, underground cities on earth differ little from bases created on the moon or other isolated environments.
        Development and utilization of urban underground space will be the focus of the construction industry in the 21st century, with the continuous exploration and development of new technologies, the development of urban underground space will become increasingly mature and sophisticated, the production of human life for the great convenience and surprises. According to the particularity of the underground environment, disaster prevention on the inside, ventilation and air conditioning, lighting and lighting these three basic key technology is essential and should continue to explore and perfect, it can be better used in urban underground space The development and utilization.

    First, the internal disaster prevention technology
    1. Inside the main types and causes of disaster
    According to the different types of disasters, underground space can be pided into the following categories within the disaster: (1) fire: Electrical fault, illegal operation, careless use of fire, fire protection system is not perfect and so on. (2) explosion: Flammable gas leak, perceived delay, the alarm delay. (3) oxygen poisoning: perception delayed, alarm and rescue delay. (4) submerged: the adjacent construction site, after the water damage occurred because there was no barrier, the water into the underground space, because the internal air over the outer door pressure can not open drainage.Combination of all the causes of disasters can be pided into three areas: design, equipment and management problems. Peacetime disaster mismanagement case of failure of equipment, perceived delay, the difficulty of evacuation and rescue of the important reasons are caused by disasters. For these issue that must be given high priority, take effective measures to prevent the disaster, the disaster losses to a minimum.
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