
    2. Internal Review of Disaster Prevention
    For different types of similar internal disaster prevention can be pided into the following aspects: as far as possible eliminate the hazard source, such as restrictions on flammable and explosive materials, decoration materials strictly control the nature, limits the use of fire. Must also strengthen the perception of system sensitivity and to ensure the smooth flow of communications equipment. and improve their internal self-help system and command and management systems.

    Second, ventilation and air conditioning technology
    1. Two underground ventilation. Underground ventilation air flow driven by the driving force can be pided into natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation. Natural ventilation is under pressure and hot air movement, manifested through the wall Body Feng Xi and forms the air flow. According to the natural pressure of the formation of theory and practical engineering environment in the calculation of the natural wind, the peace by setting the wind tunnel shafts for natural ventilation of the underground construction. in the design process should take full account of construction of the position, orientation, windows and doors open degree, the natural wind and seasonal effects on the natural wind and other factors. As the instability of natural ventilation, only to find out the regularity of its role to be played to the maximum. Another underground ventilation is commonly used in mechanical ventilation. ͨ��� mechanical ventilation is the use of the running to air a certain energy, causing air pressure to overcome the air resistance of underground space, so that the air continuously into the ground, along the intended line of flow, then pollution ventilation air and then discharged. Ventilator use can be pided according to their structural principle of centrifugal and axial flow into two categories. ventilator located in the inlet side of the air supply to the underground space as into the air supply pressure ; fan located in the outlet side of the exhaust out from the project, known as exhaust ventilation. to create fortifications of positive pressure, fan and filter unit should be set at the inlet side of the fortifications made by the fan-in pressure ventilation for the rooms, workshop and other personnel breathing. Some rooms have a separate exhaust gas can be set out when the fan. In order to maintain a certain pressure within the underground, taking the wind into the wind must be less than the amount of pressure. At present, considering the advantages and disadvantages, ventilation of underground works in two ways often work together in the form of mutual aid..underground ventilation system layout. pay attention to local conditions determine the ventilation system. According to decide ventilation way, fan location, sub-pision section of the network connection and so on. reduce air way series, widely used in parallel can reduce the air from the air duct to reduce air resistance. If the project formed by the winds and air duct network channel should be used to pArtition ventilation. Ventilation zone in the pision is more reasonable to pay attention to appropriate size, attention to savings. The air intake system and exhaust system of the various components must be designed carefully and scientifically arranged.

    2. Underground air-conditioning technology. The obvious advantage is the underground building cool, thermally stable, can not have great fluctuations in temperature. But the humidity is there is a big problem. If the ventilation and dehumidifying properly, the underground space relative humidity is above the allowable range. the relative humidity is too high, the body heat problems, it might create hot and discomfort, but also promote the growth of mold, when the officers will also lead to congestion in the air when carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, dust, odor increased harm to human health. To increase the comfort of underground space and solve the problem dehumidification, is to take the most basic means of air conditioning technology. commonly used form of air conditioning system consists of: a centralized full-time return air system air, full air-time centralized return air system, fan coil system. Because there is a big underground space and outdoor temperature difference, while in the fresh air will increase the consumption of enormous energy, so use of certain energy-saving measures, in the fresh air and exhaust air energy recovery between the addition of equipment, the use of underground space saving device for energy recovery and sustainable use of resources is of great significance.
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