    Abstract: Many disadvantages exist in the traditional die design method which belongs to serial pattern. It is well known that heat treatment is highly important to the dies. A new idea of concurrent design for heat treatment process of die and mould was developed in order to overcome the existent shortcomings of heat treatment process. Heat treatment CAD/CAE was integrated with concurrent circumstance and the relevant model was built. These investigations can remarkably improve efficiency, reduce cost and ensure quality of R and D for products.8293
    Key words:  die design; heat treatment; mould
    Traditional die and mould design, mainly by experience or semi—experience,is isolated from manufacturing process. Before the design is finalized,the scheme of die and mould is usually modified time and again,thus some disadvantages come into being, such as long development period, high cost and uncertain practical effect. Due to strong desires for precision, service life, development period and cost, modern die and mould should be designed and manufactured perfectly. Therefore more and more advanced technologies and innovations have been applied, for example, concurrent engineering, agile manufacturing virtual manufacturing, collaborative designed.
    Heat treatment of die and mould is as important as design, manufacture and assembly because it has a vital effect on manufacture,assembly and service life.Design and manufacture of die and mould have progressed rapidly,but heat treatment lagged seriously behind them.As die and mould industry develops,heat treatment must ensure die and mould there are good state of manufacture,assembly and wear—resistant properties by request. Impertinent heat treatment can influence die and mould manufacturing such as over—hard and—soft and assembly.Traditionally the heat treatment process was made out according to the methods and properties brought forward by designer.This could make the designers of die and mould and heat treatment perge from each other,for the designers of die and mould could not fully realize heat treatment process and materials properties,and contrarily the designers rarely understood the service environment and designing thought. These pergences will impact the progress of die and mould to a great extent. Accordingly,if the process design of heat treatment is considered in the early designing stage,the aims of shortening development period,reducing cost and stabilizing quality will be achieved and the sublimation of development pattern from serial to concurrent will be realized.
    Concurrent engineering takes computer integration system as a carrier, at the very start subsequent each stage and factors have been considered such as manufacturing,heat treating,properties and so forth in order to avoid the error.The concurrent pattern has dismissed the defect of serial pattern, which bring about a revolution against serial pattern.
    In the present work.the heat treatment was integrated into the concurrent circumstance of the die and mould development,and the systemic and profound research was performed.
    1 Heat Treatment under Concurrent Circumstance
    The concurrent pattern differs ultimately from the serial pattern(see Fig.1).With regard to serial pattern,the designers mostly consider the structure and function of die and mould,yet hardly consider the consequent process,so that the former mistakes are easily spread backwards.Meanwhile,the design department rarely communicates with the assembling,cost accounting and sales departments.These problems certainly will influence the development progress of die and mould and the market foreground.Whereas in the concurrent pattern,the relations among departments are close,the related departments all take part in the development progress of die and mould and have close intercommunion with purchasers.This is propitious to elimination of the conflicts between departments,increase the efficiency and reduce the cost.
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