
    Users of OneSpace.net are loud in their views that the technology has saved them a lot of time—and more important a lot of hassle. Any authorized user can access the data he wants without having to wait for a CD to be shipped or for extra-large CAD files to come across e-mail. For groups with geographically perse design and manufacturing centers, OneSpace.net makes a lot of sense.
    A piston where analysis of the stress on the piston neck is being carried out. FEA tools are now flexible enough to allow repeat tests using different configurations of materials.
    File compression
    3D design data can result in huge data files. Gigabytes of information in one or two files mean massive wait-times, inability to actually send them anywhere, and a huge barrier to digital manufacturing. But the acceptance of XML as a communication format has provided very high compression without loss of information. Lattice3D has developed its XVL format, a type of XML, that deals with 3D data, compressing it by up to 250 times so it can easily be e-mailed, shared, and used without loss of detail in the 3D data. The XVL format also has software applications that enable the 3D data to be used in such things as digital assembly instructions, in Office documents (for such things as marketing and user manuals), and online instruction manuals for maintenance and repair guidelines.
    Before 3D publishing tools such as this, manufacturers would have to have 3D design information manually redrawn so it could be used in manuals and so on, a wasteful and costly process. And XVL is not alone in the growing 3D publishing market. It is matched by the rise of other, similar formats such as JT and U3D. Additionally, Adobe recently launched Acrobat 7.0, which can embed 3D data into a PDF. Finally, with this change, 3D manufacturing data is not restricted to the engineering space only, but is becoming usable outside the design-to-manufacture field. If the rest of the pieces make up the digital manufacturing “cake recipe,” the 3D publishing formats such as XVL are most definitely the “frosting.”
    Is digital manufacturing here?
    In 2005, it is reasonable for everyone to be able to create 3D concept designs, view the 3D models, use them for downstream and supply chain manufacturing functions, communicate them quickly to wherever in the world, and communicate them in a usable, compressed format if needed. Taking 3D data, which was always proprietary and being able to use it in PDFs, web sites, and other communication tools is also a key addition to the vision of digital manufacturing.
    不管你问谁,他都会给 “数字制造一个稍微不同的定义。”基于从该行业中的许多人的反应,定义是:数字制造是描述每一个方面的设计制造过程中的数字使用的工具,包括数字设计,CAD,PLM系统,办公文件,分析软件,模拟能力,CAM软件等。理想的是,通过数据从一个到另一个部门或学科应该是无缝的,以便创建的数据是在一个不同的学科立即可重用。
    数字制造开始能够“画”一个想法到一个电脑。在制造环境中,这些立刻数字化的想法存在着巨大的生产力收益。工具包括Alias “studiotools及其Sketchbook Pro软件。虽然Alias StudioTools有声誉,高端价格提供高端软件,对素描的产品版本可供价格低至1500美元。
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