
    Thermal expansion of a nozzle cause by melt plastic flow
    will result in size variation, even exceeding mechanical load
    limit thus deformation. When design a nozzle, precise
    calculation and modification are necessary for assembly length
    and operation length, where the operation length is the total
    length of the assembly length and the thermal expansion.
    Nozzle length is calculated as: /[1 ( )] dF dF L LTT α =+− (mm),
    where LF is the mold dimension (mm) in room temperature;
    Ld is the nozzle dimension in room temperature;  is the
    thermal expansion coefficient (for steel, between 20o
    C and
    200 o
    C,  is 13×10-6
    ); Td is nozzle operation temperature (
    TF is mold operation temperature (
    The design process of an equilibrium runner is shown
    Step1. Determine the arrangement and the structure of  
    the runner plate by cavity configuration;
    Step2. Select an appropriate section shape of the branch-
    runner by relevant knowledge of the runner plate;
    Step3. Transfer standard runner plate model into model
    Step4. Determine the dimensions of the major runner  
    Step5. Determine the dimensions of each branch-runners
    Step6. Check the runner dimensions and equilibrium, and  
    determine the optimum runner section dimensions;
    Step7. Modify the standard hot-runner plate model;
    Step8. Complete the hot-runner plate model and save it.
    A. Knowledge Expression of Hot-runner Temperature
    Even temperature distribution on hot-runner plate is one
    of the key factors to guarantee a successful application of the
    hot-runner technology. Therefore, heating elements should be
    located on both sides of the hot-runner as evenly as possible.
    Thermal expansion factors of the runner plate also need to be
    considered. Heating power of a hot-runner plate is calculated
    as: Where, P is the required power, kW;
    θ  is the required
    temperature of the hot-runner plate, o
    C; assuming temperature
    base point is 40 o
    C; m is the mass of the hot-runner plate, kg; t
    is the hours of heating (from 40 o
    C toθ  o
    C), h;
    η  is the
    efficiency, which is determined by the assembly situation and
    the heat insulation situation between the heater and the hot-
    runner plate. Usually,
    η  is between 0.2 and 0.3.
    B. Hot-runner Temperature field Simulation Analysis
    Hot-runner Temperature field analysis requires the
    establishment of a mathematical model of a transient
    temperature field. The state of temperature during a plastic
    injection process is very complicated, so that in a real hot-
    runner temperature field analysis, four aspects of the heat
    exchange need to be considered, namely, internal heat
    exchange of the melt, heat change between the melt and the
    hot-runner system, internal heat exchange within the hot-
    runner system, and heat exchange between the hot-runner
    system and the coolant. In order to simplify the design model,
    these assumptions should be made before analysis:
    (1) No variation of plastic melt character, i.e. the density,
    the specific heat at constant pressure and thermal conductivity
    coefficient are constants.
    (2) Heaters on the hot-runner plate have been located on
    both sides of the runner plate symmetrically. The heater
    evenly heats up along the outside of the runner, and the
    ambient temperature of the melt in the runner is evenly
    distributed. In all geometrical models, melts form
    axisymmetric objects about the runner axes.
  1. 上一篇:弯曲焊接单元英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:模具设计与制造外文参考文献及翻译
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  7. 冲压工艺规划和级进模设...

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  9. 当代大学生慈善意识研究+文献综述

  10. 乳业同业并购式全产业链...

  11. java+mysql车辆管理系统的设计+源代码

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  13. 酸性水汽提装置总汽提塔设计+CAD图纸

  14. 中考体育项目与体育教学合理结合的研究

  15. 大众媒体对公共政策制定的影响

  16. 电站锅炉暖风器设计任务书

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