
    sprinkled  space  [8 ].  The  parameter A  also  depends  on  the  aerodynamic  factors  that  influence  the  operating
    efficiency  of  the  tower  [8].  As  is  seen  from  Eqs.  (4)  and  (5),  the  quantity  ATnm takes  into  account  the
    thermodynamic factors  that  influence the  evaporative cooling efficiency of water.
    Experimental  Facility.  The  laboratory model  of  an  evaporative  cooling  tower  is  made  of  a  transparent
    organic  glass.  It  has  the  height H  =  0.5 m,  the  diameter of  the  bottom D  =  0.5 m,  and  the  height  of windows  for
    entry of air  h = 0.04 m. Water  distributor 5  is  located  above water-collecting tank  7  at  a  height  of 0.19 m  (Fig.  1).
    Hot water was  fed  to  the water  distributor  through  a  closed  loop with  the  aid  of  the  pump  of  thermostat
    12. The water  flow rate was  controlled by  rotameter  14. The hot water  from the water distributor entered  the  tank
    and  then was  again  pumped  into  the  thermostat.  The  external wind  loading was  initiated  by  two nozzles  1 and  15
    of a  simplified wind  tunnel with  an  open  test  section.  The  horizontal wind  flow was  stratified along  the  height  by
    selecting the mode of operation of each of the nozzles after preliminary calibration  for the value of the wind speed.
    The  ratio  of  the wind  speeds  in  the  upper  and  lower parts  was  established  as  2:1.
    To visualize  the  flow pattern  inside  the model, we used  the  "laser knife" method  [9 ]  (elements 2,  3).  The
    observed flow structures containing water droplets of about micron diameter were photographed with video camera
    13  in  the  real  time  scale.
    Metal nets  11 above the water distributor made it possible to regulate the aerodynamic resistance of the cooling
    tower.  It has  a  rather complex nature  [8 ] and  is associated with  different physical phenomena occurring in  the  tower.
    The  facility developed  differs  from  the  standard  actual  cooling  tower  by  the  presence,  in  its  upper  and
    lower parts,  of  rotating plates  4  and  6  of  length 0.04 m  that  swirl  the  vapor-air  flow inside  the model  due  to  the
    tangential pulse of cold air  ejected  into  the  cooling tower.
    The  temperature  field  inside  the model was measured  by  thermocouples  8  located  at  four  sections  along
    the  height.  The  orientation  and  location  of  the  thermocouples made  it  possible  to  record  the  temperature  of  the
    vapor-air mixture along and across  the direction of the wind stream flowing around  the model.  Inpidual  thermal
    probes  controlled  the  temperature  of  the  entering  and  cooled  water.  The  readings  of  the  thermocouples were
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