
    the  oscillations of the velocity of  the  flows  inside  the  tower are  almost of the  same  character.  In  this  connection it
    is  necessary  to  pay  attention  to  the  turbulent  character of  temperature  fields when  conducting  the  corresponding
    investigations  in  actual  towers.
    The  dependence  of  the  temperature  drop  of  the  vapor-air mixture  above  the water  distributor AT(0)  on
    the dimensionless  complex R  obtained after the processing of experimental data  is presented in Fig. 4. Here, AT(0)
    =  T(0)  -  Ta,  T(0)  is  the  air  temperature  above  the  water  distributor  (in  our  case  at  z  =  0).  The  complex R  is
    described by  the  following ratio:
    Qw Cw ATw  (6)
    Qa Ca Ta  '
    where Cw and  Ca is  the  specific heat  of water  and  air,  respectively.
    As  shown  below,  such  a  form of  expression  (6)  follows from  the  law  of energy conservation.  From  Fig.  4
    it  is  seen  that  there  is  virtually  a  linear  dependence  between  the  parameter R  and  air  heating  above  the  water
    Figure  5  presents  the  dependence of the  thermal  efficiency of the  tower  [1 ],  defined as
    r]  =  ATw/  ATlim  ,  (7)
    on  the  ratio of the mass  flow rates  of water Qw and  air Qa.  The  air  flow rate was  determined  experimentally from
    the vertical flow velocity w averaged over the model outlet section. From Fig. 5  it  is  seen  thai with  flow swirling the
    operating efficiency of the  tower increases  (curve 2  and  points  3  in  Fig.  5).  This  effect becomes  stronger at  higher
    ratios  between  the  flow  rates  of water  and  air.  The  experimental data  on  the  efficiency of  the  tower obtained  on
    the  laboratory model  are  described well by  formula  (4)  at A =  3  in  the  conventional operating mode.
    Special attention  should be paid  to  the operation of the  tower in  the periodic  (pulsating)  mode of supply of
    cooled water. At a  certain  frequency of oscillations associated with  characteristic scales of the processes of transfer摘要:我们通过空气动力学方法从实验讲究中得到循环水在冷却塔中的蒸发冷却过程。关键词:冷却塔;空气动力学;冷却塔实验室模型1简介
    在冷却塔中,温水和冷空气的相互作用导致加热水蒸汽 - 空气混合物,主要是因为出现温循环水蒸气再冷凝的蒸发结果。在塔内的阿基米德力生成自由对流的含有微米水珠的温暖的蒸气 - 空气混合物。这个气流的结构和强度在很大程度上决定,在这样的安装的过程中蒸发冷却的效率。对于大型现代化塔的高度H和基座直径D是相对称的(H/D≈1);因此,在底部附近摄入的空气和上半部分的逃出(占风速)的条件下,在塔里面的空气动力学过程产生重大影响。反过来,气动过程中水蒸发处理上有一个在非常显著的影响。
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