
    We use a hy-brid visual representation to minimize the dimensionof state space and to overcome pose ambiguity. 3D pa-rameters are estimated directly from the image plane,thus not requiring a calibration step. The designed con-trol law ensures global asymptotic stability in the senseof Lyapunov, while in the case of bounded uncertain-ties the closed-loop system behavior is characterizedby a global attractor. Experimental results validate thetheoretical framework both in terms of system conver-gence and control robustness. As future work, we aregoing to include the dynamics of manipulator in thevisual model and considering applications in mobilerobotics, where additional constraints are due to thepresence of a nonholonomic mobile base.Appendix AProof of Lemma 1. Consider the following Lyapunovfunction candidate:V.x x x; t/ D 12Q x x xT Q x x x; (A.1)which is positive definite and radially unbounded. Thetime derivative of V.x x x; t/, using Eq. (16), results:P V.x x x; t/ D Q x x xT P Q x x x D Q x x xT.B.x x x/cV V V cno − P x x x.d//D−6 XiD1ki 

    jQ xi j; (A.2)which is negative definite 8ki > 0;i D 1;::: ,6.   







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