
    When longer transmission distances are needed, RS422 is a better choice. Unlike the RS232C interface, RS422 is "balanced." Each of its primary signals consists of two wires that are always at opposite logic levels, with respect to signal ground. As a result, the interface can achieve longer transmission distance (4000 ft) and higher data transmission rates (up to 90 Kbps). In shorter runs (less than 50 ft), data transfer can reach 10 Mbps.
    Fiber optic communications are gaining greater acceptance and are being used in more and more installations. Fiber optic cable is virtually impervious to harsh environmental conditions and electrical noise. Also, these links can span extremely long distances and transmit data at very high speeds. For example, in some LAN systems, these links can transmit at relatively high speeds and span long distances before requiring a repeater. When repeaters are used, virtually unlimited distances can be achieved.

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