    Seismic design should quantitatively evaluate and control the risk of earthquake-induced collapse that a building structure may
    experience during its design service life. This requires taking into consideration both  the collapse resistant capacity of the
    building and the earthquake ground motion demand. The fundamental concept of uniform-risk-targeted seismic design and its
    relevant assessment process are presented in this paper. The risks of earthquake-induced collapse for buildings located in three
    seismic regions with the same prescribed seismic fortification intensity but different actual seismic hazards are analyzed to il-
    lustrate the engineering significance of uniform-risk-targeted seismic design. The results show that with China’s current seis-
    mic design method, the risk of earthquake-induced collapse of buildings varies greatly from site to site. Additional research is
    needed to further develop and implement the uniform-risk-targeted seismic design approach proposed in this paper.8869
    1  Introduction
    Investigations on earthquake damage show that the collapse
    of building structures is the primary source of casualties and
    property losses during and after a severe earthquake.
    Therefore, ensuring the collapse safety of building struc-
    tures is a critical objective of earthquake engineering [1, 2].
    In recent years, collapse fragility analysis (CFA) [3–5]
    based on incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) [6] has been
    widely used due to its excellent capacity in quantitatively
    evaluating resistance to earthquake-induced collapse. Thr-  
    ough combining the results of a collapse fragility analysis
    with information on the seismic hazard of the site where the
    building is located, the risk of earthquake-induced collapse
    of the investigated building during its entire design service
    life can be quantitatively evaluated and controlled. This is
    the fundamental concept of uniform-risk-targeted seismic
    design [7, 8]. The risk of  earthquake-induced collapse is
    measured by the total probability that the building may col-
    lapse due to earthquakes in  Y years (e.g., 50 years). The
    objective of uniform-risk-targeted seismic design is to en-
    sure that all buildings throughout a nation should have a
    uniform acceptable level of risk of earthquake-induced col-
    lapse, although they may be located in different seismic
    regions with different seismic hazards.
    Seismic design of building structures in China is per-
    formed according to the seismic zonation map of China. As
    a simplified expression of the seismic hazard, the seismic
    zonation map identifies the seismic fortification intensity
    for each seismic region as well as the corresponding ground
    motion values for design purposes. The current Chinese
    seismic zonation map is defined on the basis of earthquakes
    with a 10% probability of being exceeded in 50 years (re-
    ferred to as the fortification-level earthquake) [9, 10], while
    the collapse-prevention-level ground motion values are ex-
    trapolated from the fortification-level values [9, 10]. Alt-
    hough current Chinese seismic design based on the fortifi-
    cation-level earthquake already takes into account the safety
    requirements to prevent the earthquake-induced collapse, it
    sometimes fails to comprehensively account for the varia-
    tion in seismic hazard due to the complex nature of earth-
    quake mechanisms. Specifically, it is likely that in some
    regions, the extrapolated collapse-prevention-level ground
    motion values cannot satisfy the exceedance probability of
    2% in 50 years as required in the Chinese Code for Seismic
    Design of Buildings [9]. Consequently, buildings in some
    regions that are designed in accordance with the code [9]
    may have a high risk of earthquake-induced collapse. Fur-
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