
    Severe duty and IEEE 841 motors are often supplied with open bearings and provision for regreasing regardless of the motor size. However, if the grease life is shorter than the expected bearing life, the bearings need to be relubricated while the grease is still performing satisfacto- rily. This is usually the case on motors above 20 hp. When using high-performance greases, a longer relubrication interval and grease life may be possible.

    ing prevent damaging electric cur- rents—sometimes seen when using a motor with a PWM (pulse width mod- ulated or inverter) ac drive—from pass- ing through the bearing. This is one of the main reasons for using hybrid bear- ings in electric motors and generators. High-speed electric motors use hybrid bearings because they provide substan- tially longer service life due to lower operating temperatures and longer grease life as well as lower friction than traditional all-steel bearings.


    Bearing selection remains a considera- tion on larger NEMA frame motors of 125 hp and above. Different bearing

    arrangements and solutions may be necessary depending on the operating conditions. Bearing load capacity, mini- mum loads, and lubrication methods all can influence the proper choice. In addition, the external loading from pulleys or sheaves can lead to additional loadings as well as misalignments within the bearing, thereby limiting life. A new toroidal roller bearing design may offer some advantages, but endplate modifications may be required. The toroidal roller bearing is a self-aligning roller bear- ing that combines the features of a cylindrical roller bearing (internally adjusts for axial movements), the nee- dle roller bearing (long rollers to maximize load capacity) and the spherical roller bearing (raceways based on spheres to accommodate misalignments). The user should evaluate the connection to the load and consult with the motor manufacturer on belted loads to achieve an optimized solution. By utilizing this new toroidal bearing, it may now be possible for mills to stock one motor that is suitable for either coupled or belted loads.






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