
    The results presented have demonstrated some of the factors effecting the comminution of particles in a non-cylindrical roll crusher. The high reduction ratios obtained from early single particle tests can still be achieved with continuous multi-particle feed. However, as with a traditional roll crusher, the NCRC is susceptible to choke feeding and must be starvation fed in order to operate effectively. The type of feed material has little effect on the performance of the NCRC and, although not tested, it is anticipated that the moisture content of the feed ore will also not adversely affect the crusher's per[Brmance. Results from the mill scat trials are particularly promising because they demonstrate that the NCRC is able to process ore containing metal from worn grinding media. The above factors, in combination with the flaky nature of the product generated, indicate that the NCRC would make an excellent recycle or pebble crusher. It would also be interesting to determine whether there is any difference in the ball mill energy required to grind product obtained from the NCRC compared that obtained from a cone
    低减速比和低磨损率较高的两个的特点与传统的辊式破碎机相似。正因为如此,辊式破碎机通常被认为是佐中使用的矿物处理电路,话务员很大程度上忽视了自己的优势。本文描述了一种新颖的辊式破碎机,已开发的基因为了解决这些非圆柱辊式破碎机,新的破碎机采用两个辊包括QF的交流安排的普拉特ATTD的凸部或凹表面_AT_ WES。这些独特的滚子,提高了角度的的QF夹,使的的NCRC以实现较高的还原率比传统的辊式破碎机。的模型原型试验已表明,塔尔网络连接)R非常硬的矿石,可以达到减少率超过10时01分。此外,由于在NCRC粉碎过程中的操作相结合的辊臂颚式破碎机,有一个可能性O',新的配置文件可能会导致减少轧辊的磨损率。 ©2001爱思唯尔科技有限公司保留所有权利。关键词:粉碎,粉碎
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