
    model is reported to overestimate the ductility and strength of
    concrete, the model is found good to predict the shape of stress–
    strain curve [20]. This model, unlikemany other confinementmod-
    els, considers the hoop stiffness of FRP and proposes a bilinear con-
    finement model as:support and at the transverse load application location to reduce
    stress concentration. A vertical constraint was applied at the bot-
    tom of the support plate along its centre line. Transverse load
    was distributed to all the nodes on top of the loading plate, with
    nodes at symmetry plane getting half of the load at rest of the
    nodes. Axial load was given as a uniform pressure load at the beam
    end. It was applied in such a way that its ratio with mid-span
    bending moment was always maintained constant, which was
    the case in the experiment too. For instance, axial load in F-04
    beam would be increased with an increase in transverse load to
    constantly maintain mid-span moment (kN m) to axial force (kN)
    ratio of 0.04.
    P-delta effect was considered in this study with the help of large
    displacement option in the software. Follower force condition was
    assumed such that axial force in the form of pressure at the beam
    end was treated based on the deformed geometry.
    4.1. Contact analysis
    Analysis was performed for both perfect bond condition and
    slip condition to investigate the interface interaction between con-
    crete and CFRP. A contact analysis possesses a provision for slip,
    and can be utilized to simulate the slip between concrete and CFRP.
    Separate nodes were assigned for concrete and CFRP at the same
    location. Friction was also considered in the contact analysis for
    studying the interface interaction between concrete and CFRP.
    Coulomb friction model [22] was utilized which is given as:
    rfr 6 lrn  t ð9Þ
    where rfr is the tangential (friction) stress, rn is the normal stress
    vector, l is the friction coefficient, and t is the unit tangential vector
    in the direction of relative sliding velocity. Notations in bold face in
    Eq. (9) indicate vectors while a dot is used to indicate the scalar
    product of two vectors.
    5. Results
    This section presents the results of CFRP box beams obtained
    from the finite element analysis. Comparison is made between
    the experiment and the analysis. Fig. 5 shows the load–deflection
    curve for an empty beam. Good correlation is noted, with beam
    stiffness from the analysis being within a 10% margin of error of
    the experimental stiffness. Fig. 6 shows the comparison of longitu-
    dinal strain from the analysis and the experiment in relation to the
    transverse load. Both tensile and compressive strains assure a per-
    fect agreement with the experiment.复合材料结构
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