    Abstract This paper describes mechanism and control  of  leg-wheel hybrid mobile robot.  Legged locomotion has high adaptability for  rough  terrain, and wheeled locomotion posses  speed  and  eficiency.  A  new locomotion mechanism that  combines legs  and  wheels is proposed,and a prototype mobile robot  that adopts  the mechanism 10796
    is introduced.  The  robot  has four  legs,  and  a wheel  is
    attached  at the end of  each leg.  The  front  leg has three
    joints  and  a passive  wheel.  The  rear  leg has one joint
    and  an  active  wheel.  In  order  to make the  best  of  the
    mechanism,  three locomotion modes, wheel mode, hybrid
    mode, and step mode, are developed.  In  the wheel mode,
    four  wheels  are  used on  flat  terrain.  On the rough
    terrain,  the  hybrid mode  is select, and  two legs  and  two
    active  wheels  are  used  for  locomotion. To  climb  or
    descend a large step, the step mode is used.
    1.  Introduction
    Recently, works in manufacturing industry have been
    automated. In the case of outdoor works, mechanization
    such  as  construction machines  has  been  done only  on
    relatively flat  terrain.  Japan  is  a mountainous country,
    and seventy percent of  the land  is mountain area.  Most
    of works in the mountain sites depends on human labors.
    For  the  future,  the  works in such  area  will  become
    important from  the  point  of  view  of  the  prevention  of
    natural calamities  or  the  environmental  problems,.  To
    automate such works, development  of  the  locomotion
    system that can move in mountainous environment  is
    essential.  The  mountain environment includes steps,
    inclined  terrain, and  easily deformed and collapsed
    Many mobile robots  for  outdoor environment  are
    equipped  with  wheels  or  crawlers.  However,  they
    cannot move  on  discontinuous terrain  like  steps.
    Although legged robots have great adaptability  for
    complicated environment, they  have  some difficulties
    also. Generally, legged robots require  large number  of
    actuators and complicated mechanism. Moreover, their
    walking speed is slow even on flat terrain. Considering
    these facts, authors propose a new locomotion
    mechanism that combines  legs and wheels.
    Up  to  the present, several leg-wheel hybrid type
    mobile robots have  been  developed. Hitachi, Ltd.
    developed a five-legged robot, whose leg has  two joints
    and an active wheel at  its tip  [l].  It has fifteen degrees
    of  freedom. A  robot  that has  four legs  and  six wheels
    was developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.  [2].
    The robot body was equipped with  two active wheel and
    four legs that has two  joints and an active wheel at  their
    end.  It  has fourteen actuators.  Kobe  Steel, Ltd.
    constructed a six-leg-wheel type robot in  the  Japanese
    national project named Advanced Robot Technology [3].
    This robot has six two-degrees of  freedom legs, and each
    leg has a two-degrees of  freedom (steerage and traction)
    wheel. Totally, it  has twenty-four degrees  of  freedom.
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