    Piezoelectric force and torque sensor 1) piezoelectric force and torque sensor applications and classification Applications - dynamic force measurement Elastic element contained most of the force sensor, elastic element deformation will happen under the action of force, through the size of the deformation of the spring force can be determined. In order to obtain high measurement resolution, the elasticity of the elastic element is large enough. However, larger elastic limits the frequency range of the sensor. At the same time as a result of the action of force, elastic element geometry and lever relationship will change.10793
    To overcome this limitation, stone edge companies using piezoelectric measuring principle of dynamic force measurement. Piezoelectric materials, such as quartz, produced under the action of force and the force is proportional to the charge: the greater the force, the more charge. In piezoelectric sensors, quartz is not only the elastic element, as well as measuring transducer.
    Due to the rigid quartz is very high, under the action of force displacement is very small, generally within a few microns. This kind of almost no displacement measurement, for slow process of quasi static error is small. For quick measurement of the process, due to the high stiffness and associated with quartz high natural frequency, its advantages are unmatched by any other theory.
    Quartz crystal to measure force, pressure, or acceleration) is directly converted into output signals, the ideal linear signal, and without lag. Other advantages of quartz sensor is: small, sturdy, high sensitivity and the measuring range is very wide.
    Stone edge company offers four different types of piezoelectric force sensor:
    Single component of the force sensor
    Points force sensor
    Strain sensor
    Torque sensor
    ChanXiangLi sensor:
    This kind of sensor is commonly ring, made up of two steel ring and clip in the middle of the electron wafer of pressure sensitive components.
    ChanXiangLi sensor:
    Sensitive to pressure
    Electron wafer sandwiched
    Between two steel rings.
    1) gasket type sensor is a kind of flexible installation, wide application of sensors. Between the chassis and in particular the two electron wafer installed under certain preloading, sensor shell by welding seal. Measurement signal received by under electron wafer between electrode and passed to the output plug. Due to the sensor has a hole in the middle, is suitable for measuring force screw thread connection. Sensors installed, preloaded bolt to form a force of the bypass, part of the measurement of force, through the pre-tightening bolt, and without force sensor. In order to accurately determine the sensitivity of the measurement chain after installation, must carry out on-site calibration.
    2) with two special nut washer type sensor, a pull, pressure sensor. After the preloading of sensor is very suitable for measuring such as extrusion pressure and tensile force of rod assembly. After preloading before this kind of sensor calibration, installation is convenient, and can be used immediately.
    3) measuring tiny force sensor adopts horizontal piezoelectric effect of quartz sensor bar, thin sensors installed in the transmission electron wafer preload force structure, the sensitivity of piezoelectric 30 times for gasket type sensor.
    Three-way force sensor:
    Is sensitive to shear the electron wafer (Fx, Fy) and electron wafer (Fz) that are sensitive to pressure to form compact structure with three to the force sensor.
    Three-way force sensor:
    Is sensitive to shear quartz
    Chip and is sensitive to pressure
    The electron wafer.
    Piezoelectric measuring principle is three to the force sensor design ideal choice. Three-way force sensor assembly similar to one-way gasket type sensor. A pair of electron wafer measuring the longitudinal component of the longitudinal piezoelectric effect of Fz, the other two with different electron wafer measuring two transverse shear effect component (Fy) and Fx. Due to the shear force only by friction transmission, three to the sensor must be installed in the case of enough pre-tightening force.
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