
    Overload, not fatigue resistance, reliable for a long time
    Almost unlimited service life
    High natural frequency, strain type sensor is 10 times
    Wide range of job stability
    Against interference is not sensitive
    Can be connected in parallel, overlapping measurements
    Multi-component transducer design persity, flexible choice
    Piezoelectric sensors cannot be used for the static measurement
    Due to the insulation resistance of the measuring chain co., LTD., only change can produce signals, signal charge can't unlimited long-term not leaked. Piezoelectric sensor signal no absolute zero, therefore not suitable for long-term steady state, such as weighing applications. For periodic changes in the process of measurement, the above restrictions into the advantages of piezoelectric sensor, because they are always measuring relative force, rather than the absolute force. Therefore, any static or slow changes in the attached status will be automatically eliminated.
    3) the force sensor installed base
    Force can be made of the transfer of all or part of the forces on the path model direct measurement, indirect measurement can strain way. When the load directly, through sensors, force all process in bypass mode, the sensor only part of the force measurement process. Strain sensor in surface strain or machine internal strain way indirect measurement process.
    Part of the process of force transmission of the components can be installed near the sensor. These elements form a force distribution. Power distribution can also be created by preloading components of installation is used to directly measure, in most cases, the force distribution is less than 10%. The model of power split this effect. Force sensor installation makes only a small part of the process is measured. The main part of the process of force in mechanical structure. Using this method can measure more than process force sensor measuring range is very small, when the indirect load force distribution is basically set up 99% or more. Whatever the sensor type and installation, if the force distribution state change, have to realign the sensor.
    Measurement method overview
    Direct force: force all process by sensors (power distribution n < 10% material)
    Shunt load: a small force, through the sensor (power distribution n < material 10-99%)
    Indirect load: few process force through sensor (power distribution n > > 10-99%)
    Direct load
    Direct force measurements: install sensors in the power transmission path, force measurement all process.
    Direct load requirement to the path of the heritability disconnect, installation force sensor has been calibrated. Therefore, installation of the force sensor must match the parts of strength and stiffness requirements. For direct force sensors are calibrated before installation and preload, so installation will not influence shunt. Has been calibrated and preloaded force transducer used for directly measuring absolute power and installed without calibration of the occasions, such as the monitoring of power installation or product testing in tiny force measurement.
    Advantages: high sensitivity, high accuracy, high repeatability, good linearity, hysteresis, wider range of preloading, easy to install, sensor has been calibrated.
    Weakness: when the sensor is installed on the movement parts, interference from the acceleration force, change the strength or stiffness of the machine state and limits on the size of the workpiece.
     Direct load diagram
    Shunt load
    Shunt load: the sensor is installed in the mechanical structure. Most process by forces shunt.
    When need to measure the force is very large or when the sensor cannot be directly installed to the force transfer path, can install the sensor in the force of the shunt. Because sensors are only part of the force measurement process, through the shunt transmission, while the rest of the force measuring range can often smaller than needed for the load directly. So you can provide another kind of low cost measurement scheme.
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