    关键词  区域经济一体化  多边贸易机制   影响
    Title   Impact of the Regional Economic Integration  on  Multilateral Trading System                                                
    Regional economic integration ,which has been a very important character of multilateral trade development ,has a very important influence on multilateral trading system from each level represented by the world trade organization .It has realized the goals of the multilateral trade mechanism , made the mechanism of the multilateral trade rules perfect .At the same time , to a certain extent offset by the positive effects of the multilateral trade mechanism .Regional economic integration of the global economic integration affect anyone not easily broken ,it is absolutely positive or negative absolutely . By studying the different theoretical and empirical analysis of the existing typical scholar , it should be said that the pros and cons coexist ,the benefits outweigh the disadvantages , the key is to study how to raise the benefits and avoid its disadvantages .
    Regional economic integration organization is a national and regional economy and the world of a stage of development , in the process of economic integration is an important process in the process of economic globalization series , it not only adapt to the trend of world trade liberalization , also greatly promote the global trade liberalization . Not only greatly reduces the cost of countries to engage in free trade talks , it every progress in the integration of the road , also provides the development of world multilateral free trade model . As long as plus the WTO multilateral free trade mechanism of the correct guidance and norms , the establishment and development of regional economic integration organizations will become the multilateral free trade process forward thrust .
    Keywords  regional economic integration    multilateral trading system   impact
     目   次
    1  引言 1
    2  区域经济一体化对多边贸易机制影响的理论分析2
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