

    毕业论文关键词  犯罪构成体系  比较研究  刑事政策  

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title     Comparative Study of the Theory Crime Constitution                     



    The crime constitution theory is the core of the criminal law,and our crime constitution theory inherited from the former Soviet Union,whose four elements are equivalent,belongs to the planar structure.However,the Civil Law is effected by the early science and the new Kantianism,with three stratum and ordered by the logic. In the UK-US there are two arrangements due based on the court practice.Although there are many disadvantages either in the theory or the practice in our country’s crime constitution theory,the UK-US and the Civil Law also have troubles,so cannot blindly seeking.The suggestion is that based on the criminal policy of “tempering justice with mercy”,Taking the objective imputation principle.On the basis of Stratum style break the boundaries of crime theory and penalty theory, and construct two layers that “should be fined” and “need be fined”,to establish the crime constitution system suitable for China's national conditions.

    Keywords  Crime constitution system  Comparative study  Criminal policy 

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    2  我国犯罪构成理论概述 2

    2.1  犯罪构成的概念 2

    2.2  我国犯罪构成理论的构成要件 2

    2.3  我国犯罪构成理论的特点 3

    3  国外犯罪构成理论概述 4

    3.1  英美法系的犯罪构成理论概述 4

    3.2  大陆法系国家的犯罪构成理论 5

    4  犯罪构成理论之比较 7

    4.1  理论基础的差异 7

    4.2  构成要件的差异 10

    4.3  对司法实践影响的差异 14

    5  完善我国犯罪构成的建议 17

    5.1  犯罪客体的去除 17

    5.2  规范的违反与实质的违法性构成刑事不法 19

    5.3  客观归责原则的引用 20

    5.4  刑事政策上的应罚性与需罚性体系的建立 22

    结  论

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