    毕业论文关键词:机动车辆保险; 保险欺诈; 欺诈成因; 最大诚信
    As China's rapid economic development, a substantial increase in number of motor vehicles. And people's increasingly improved attention to insurance, motor vehicle insurance market in our country has achieved great development. By the end of 2013, the motor vehicle original insurance premium income is 472.079 billion yuan, increased by 17.87%, accounted for 75.99% of the property business, thus we can see that motor vehicle insurance has become the important pillar of property. But what has been developing in the meantime is the fraud behavior of motor vehicle insurance, the appearance of such behavior not only restricts the development of vehicle insurance, but also seriously damages the interests of insurance consumers and insurance companies, which is not conducive to the development of the insurance industry. In this background, the paper is to analyze this problem. This article wills analysis the manifestation and cause of the motor vehicle insurance. And then puts forward some countermeasures to solve this problem by considering the insurance industry, the insurance company, the insurance parties, laws and regulations.
    Key words: Motor vehicle insurance; Insurance fraud; Fraud cause; Utmost good faith
    目   录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    一、机动车辆保险欺诈概述    1
    (一)保险欺诈含义    1
    (二)机动车辆保险欺诈的表现形式    1
    二、机动车辆保险欺诈的危害    3
    (一)欺诈损害了广大诚实保险消费者的利益    4
    (二)欺诈影响了财产保险公司的生存和正常发展    5
    (三)欺诈阻碍了保险行业的稳定发展    5
    (四)欺诈扰乱了社会的正常秩序    6
    三、机动车辆保险欺诈的成因分析    6
    (一)投保人自身的原因    6
    (二)保险公司自身的原因    7
    (三)保险行业内部信息不共享,对欺诈行为打击不到位    7
    (四)社会公共道德观念薄弱    8
    四、机动车辆保险欺诈防范措施    8
    (一)从投保人方面进行防范    8
    (二)从保险公司方面进行防范    9
    (三)从保险行业方面进行防范    11
    (四)健全和完善法律制度建设    11
    五、结语    12
    参考文献    13
    致谢    14
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