    ABSTRACT  Grassroots democracy and the rule of law is under the leadership of the party, masses of laws and regulations in accordance with the vivid practice of the management of local public affairs and business process, is the basis for the implementation of the project of the rule of law, is an important part of the construction of socialist political civilization. Along with the social economy further development, people's increasing awareness of democracy and the rule of law and put forward new requirements for the construction of China's grassroots democracy and the rule of law. To further strengthen the grassroots democracy and the rule of law, for the full implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, safeguard the fundamental interests of the people, safeguard the rule of the people, arouse the enthusiasm of the masses, it has very important significance. This paper analyzes the problems of construction in economically developed areas of democracy and the rule of law in this, discussing the existed problems in the implementation process, and put forward the economic developed area construction of democracy and the rule of law Countermeasures, so that the rule of democracy and the rule of law has been improved, the real rule of law, promote the rule of law at the grassroots level, the realization of socialist democracy and the rule of law.
    Key words:Economically developed regions; democracy at the grassroots level;
               the rule of law in the basic level; democracy and the rule of law
    目  录
    第一章  经济发达地区基层民主法治建设的概况    1
    1.1基层民主法治建设的概念及其特点    1
    1.2法治的概念    2
    1.3 基层民主法治建设的目的及其意义    2
    第二章  我国经济发达地区基层民主法治建设的现状    3
    2.1经济发达地区的概念    3
    2.2案例分析    3
    第三章  经济发达地区基层民主法治建设中存在的问题    4
    3.1 法律制度不够健全    4
    3.2公民法律素质不高    4
    3.3 法治实施的不够彻底    4
    3.4封建思想观念的影响    4
    3.5 社会治安形势趋于复杂    5
    3.6 难以实现基层自治    5
    第四章  完善经济发达区域基层民主法治建设的措施    6
    4.1法律方面    6
    4.2文化方面    6
    4.3强化法治地位    7
    4.4增强法治思维    7
    第五章  结论    8
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