


    Abstract:In March last year,Jiangsu,,a pair of double single couples were killed by a traffic accident.The two people died with their frozen embryos left in a hospital in Nanjing since they used to plan to give a birth to a tube baby.In order to compete for the title of the four frozen embryos,the deceased parents checked evidence of both parties at court.Frozen embryos inheritance case triggered widespread concern in society,and Jiangsu interitance people’s Court of Wuxi city gave a final appeal verdict on the case.The court granted the deceased parents a judgement that the four frozen embryos were kept by both parties of them.The case drawed a wide attention,and experts and scholars on the decision of the reverse succession talked about the frozen embryos and expressed their own views,which led to discussions on legal and human ethics and morality,etc.In this paper,the case in dispute is one of the legal property of frozen embryos to once again explore the inheritance of property,inheritance analysis identified targets,and point out some new inheritance along with the social  development of the subject ,hoping that the inheritance property scope can be clarified much more to meet challenges and solve new problems.

     Keywords:frozen embryos,special legal status,heritage,inherit

    前言 3

    1  案情简介 3

    1.1  案情回顾 3

    1.2  一审判决 4

    1.3  二审判决 4

    1.4  案件争议 4

    2  冷冻胚胎的遗产属性 6

    2.1  国外立法例 6

    2.2  我国关于人体冷冻胚胎法律性质的学说 7

    3  本文观点 8

    3.1  本文对人体冷冻胚胎法律属性的界定 8

    3.2  将人体冷冻胚胎界定为物的原因 9

    3.3  具备物的属性的人体冷冻胚胎应当作为继承权的客体由继承人予以继承 10

    4  遗产范围制度之完善 10

    4.1  社会生活进程中出现的应列入遗产范围之内的新型财产权利 10

    4.2  现行继承法及其司法解释关于遗产范围规定的不合理之处 10

    4.3  完善我国继承法关于遗产继承范围规定的建议 11

    结 语 12

    参考文献 13

    致  谢 14 

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