


    毕业论文关键词    行政救济  行政诉讼  行政相对人  行政复议

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    The Deficiency and Improvement of Administrative Relief System                                                                


    It is a general consensus in the legal profession that there is a lot of deficiency of the administrative relief system in our country. For protecting the legitimate rights of the administrative relative person and promoting the development of social legal system, it is necessary to perfect the administrative relief system. But to clarify the lacks of the administrative relief system and the root cause of the problem, is the important premise to perfect the administrative relief system.

    In terms of the current administrative relief system,there are lots of problems in the scope of relief, relief channels, relief way, relief procedure and relief mechanism and so on.All of them influences and restricts the function of administrative relief system. If take the in-depth study of the lacks,it is easy to find that the reasons which cause the present situation of the system of administrative remedies include : administrative relative person attaches great importance to the power relief, ignore the rights relief; It attaches great importance to the protection relative person rights, and ignore the administrative remedy system controls on executive power; Administrative remedy notice form, ignore the legal norms substance. Therefore, to perfect our country's administrative relief system, we need to expand the existing relief scope and develop persified relief channels;We have to take reasonable control of administrative power and improve the relief for the applicant's legal status; Also we need to perfect the forms of law, so as to promote the essence of administrative remedy fair.

    Keywords  Administrative remedy  Administrative litigation

    Administrative counterpersons  Administrative reconsideration


    目   次

    1  引言  1

    2  我国行政救济制度的主要缺失2

    2.1  行政救济的受案范围狭隘2

    2.2  救济机关的独立性缺失4

    2.3  救济渠道单一且不规范4

    2.4  救济方式的协调性不足6

    2.5  行政救济的程序冗长  6

    2.6  “不停止执行”规定的不当7

    3  行政救济制度缺失的原因分析8

    3.1  行政救济中重权力救济、轻权利救济8

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