    基坑工程是为保证基坑施工、主体地下结构的安全和周围环境不受损害而采取的支护结构、降水和土方开挖与回填,包括勘察、设计、施工、监测和检测等的一项综合性很强的系统工程。基坑工程是土力学基础工程中一个古老的传统课题,同时又是一个综合性的岩土工程问题。随着基坑的开挖越来越深、面积越来越大,基坑围护结构的设计和施工越来越复杂,所需要的理论和技术越来越高。   21286
    The design of foundation ditch for the Hui Ning Garden
    Abstract: Engineering generally refers to the excavation pit below the surface in an underground space and its ancillary support system.The excavation is to be able to ensure the relative safety of the excavation, foundation construction of the pit and pit smooth conduct of the surrounding environment, the pit side walls and the surrounding environment optional retaining, strengthening and protection measures.
    Excavation is to ensure the safety of the main underground structures, construction pit with the surrounding environment is not damaged so the selection of the supporting structure, precipitation and earthwork excavation and backfill, including survey, design, construction, monitoring and detection of a very comprehensive system engineering. Excavation of soil mechanics foundation engineering is an ancient tradition topics, is also a comprehensive geotechnical problems. With increasing depth of the excavation pit, an area larger and more complex design and construction of foundation pit structure, the required theoretical and technical increasing.
    Deep excavation involving structural engineering, geotechnical engineering and environmental engineering and many other disciplines, integrated high, many factors influence the design theory of computation is not mature, to a certain extent also depends on engineering practice.
    Foundation Bracing System is a temporary structure, a smaller safety margin, with a greater risk of excavation has a strong culture. Different hydrological, geological differences in the environmental conditions under excavation works great. Environmental effects of complex excavation, excavation pit itself not only to ensure security and stability, but also to effectively control the pit surrounding strata movement and protect the surrounding environment.
    Keywords: foundation engineering;foundation pit maintenance;construction
    目  录
    1 基坑概况    1
    1.1 基坑介绍    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3 基坑支护的类型及其特点和适用范围    2
    1.3.1 深层搅拌水泥土围护墙    2
    1.3.2 高压旋喷桩    3
    1.3.3 槽钢钢板桩    3
    1.3.4 钢筋混凝土板桩    3
    1.3.5 钻孔灌注桩    4
    1.3.6 地下连续墙    4
    1.3.7 SMW工法    4
    1.4 目前基坑支护施工中存在的主要问题    5
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