    摘要本工程是某超高层办公楼。本建筑其占地总面积为11005平方米,总建筑面积为 133449平方米,地上建筑面积为101246平方米,其中塔楼部分主体高度为222.60米,塔楼1-4层,除办公大堂外均为商业用地,塔楼4层以上均为办公用地。23041
    本工程的火灾危险等级为中危险I级。场所所有部位均采用环式管网的湿式自动喷水灭火系统。系统的供水管道布置成环状。喷头工作压力为0.1MPa,喷水强度为6 L/min.m2。作用面积为160m2。单个喷头的最大保护面积为12.5m2。喷头流量系数为80。喷头工作压力为0.088MPa。此次设计所有的喷头的布置以正方形布置。喷头边长选用3.4m。保护面积为11.5m2。作用面积内的喷头的数量为14个。每排最大喷头数为13个,系统设计流量为21.603L/s。
    A high-rise building of the tower fire protection design
    The general description of the design:
    This project is a super high-rise office building. The building which covers a total area of 11005 square meters, a total construction area of 133449 square meters, the ground floor area of 101246 square meters, of which the tower body height is 222.60 meters, tower 1-4 layer, except the office lobby are outside the commercial land, tower above 4 for office space.
    Super high-rise building with the fire spread quickly, the rapid development;density, evacuation is difficult; the internal structure of dangerous building complex, characteristics of fire fighting difficult. If the fire protection design properly, there will be danger.
    Fire protection design of the project is to code for fire protection design building and related industry standards as the basis, combined with the actual engineering situation to carry out related work. Through scientific and rational design, to enhance the level of building fire safety, security personnel in the building purpose. The concrete design content includes: building fireproof rank determination, construction general layout,construction design of the smoke control system and automatic alarm system design.
    The high-rise office building is graded as a kind of building, fire resistance rating for a level. The building fire lane Ring Road, from the exterior design distance is 5m, the fire lane width is 4m, the turning radius is 4m, the each layer is provided with a fire district, part of the vertical pipe well hole,staircases, elevator wells and window vertical spread of fire, pided into vertical fireproof partition. The tower building each layer has 4 exits, each exit width is 2.7m. The building room door to the maximum distance from the nearest staircase is 35m. The tower each layer is designed with 2 smoke preventing staircase, staircase width is 1.35m. Required evacuation time is 6min. The construction of the tower has a total of 3 refuge floor. Respectively in the 7 layer, 22 layer, 37 layer. Rooftop helipad.
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