    关键词  高层结构  地震响应  时程分析  薄弱层  塑性铰10196
    Title  Architectural and Structure Design of One High-rise Residential
             Building (36-storey) in Nanjing - Analysis and Optimization
      of the Main Structure Earthquake Response                     
    The modern high-rise structures are becoming larger, higher and the seismic design is also becoming more important. Domestic and foreign scholars are working on the new theories and methods in seismic response, nonlinear time history analysis of high-rise structures. In this paper, according to the engineering background of a 36-storey high-rise residential building in Nanjing, the author uses SATWE and EPDA to analysis the period and response under multi earthquake and rare earthquake. The results showed that:(1)to reduce the thickness of the wall and the wall layout could adjust the low fundamental period of the original structure so as to ensure the rationality of overall stiffness of the structure.(2)the angle of floor displacement in the multi earthquake meet regulatory requirements, and the elastic time history analysis results of ANSYS and PKPM agree well.(3)the angle of floor displacement in the rare earthquake meet regulatory requirements, and hazardous displacement angle curve analysis showed that the 6,7 layer are weak layers, the two short beam of the northeast and southwest parlor are weak components according to the appearance order of plastic hinges, all of these are useful references for the structural design.
    Keywords  high-rise structure  seismic response  time history analysis
      weak layer  plastic hinge
     目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  研究背景 1
    1.2  研究现状 3
    1.3  本文研究内容 6
    2  弹塑性动力时程分析软件简介 7
    2.1  建筑结构软件的计算方法 7
    2.2  弹塑性动力时程分析软件EPDA 9
    2.3  与其他有限元分析软件的比较 10
    2.4  本章小结 12
    3  工程实例设计与分析 13
    3.1  设计资料 13
    3.2  PMCAD建模 16
    3.3  SATWE计算 29
    3.4  本章小结 51
    4  弹性时程分析及优化 52
    4.1  弹性时程分析 52
    4.2  计算结果及数据分析 56
    4.3  ANSYS分析 62
    4.4  本章小结 66
    5  弹塑性时程分析及优化 67
    5.1  弹塑性时程分析 67
    5.2  计算结果及数据分析 69
    5.3  本章小结 85
    6  结论与展望 86
    6.1  结论 86
    6.2  展望 86
    致谢 87
    参考文献 88
    1  引言
    1.1  研究背景
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