    关键字: 无缝线路;既有线改造;ANSYS;强度检算
      Modification of continuous welded rail under the climate of northwest
    Abstract: During the remodeling of the existing line, as required subgrade elevation or lower, correction line, slope adjustment, rail replacement work to resolve defor- mation, wear, settlement and other issues in the course of the line generated. In this paper, take the transformation of the Northwest CWR as design background, take zhengyang to flow K1235 +000—K1243 +000 for the study, in close connection with practical engineering aspect of the flat section of the line design alterations, analyzes the bear load line to determine the track temperature stress of CWR comprehensively, calculate the locking rail temperature and use ANSYS software to do CWR structure finite element analysis. Ensure that the design complies with the strength of the composite requirements.
    Keyword: continuously welded rail track; existing lines modifying; ANSYS;strength
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  改建背景与原因    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  改建设计资料    2
    1.4  课题主要内容    2
    2  平纵横断面改建设计    3
    2.1  线路平面设计    3
    2.1.1  设计原则    3
    2.1.2  设计理论与规定    4
    2.1.3  计算资料    6
    2.1.4  计算结果    7
    2.2  纵断面改建    7
    2.2.1  改建原因    7
    2.2.2  设计原则与规定    8
    2.2.3  计算资料    9
    2.2.4  计算结果    13
    2.3  线路横断面设计    16
    2.3.1  设计原则    16
    2.3.2  计算公式    17
    2.3.3 计算结果    18
    2.4  本章小结    19
    3  无缝线路强度及稳定性设计    20
    3.1  无缝线路基本技术条件    20
    3.1.1  无缝线路的类型    20
    3.1.2  无缝线路结构组成    20
    3.1.3  无缝线路铺设地段和位置    21
    3.2  钢轨强度检算    21
    3.2.2  按客运机车韶山Ⅲ计算    22
    3.2.3  按货运机车东风Ⅳ计算    27
    3.3  ANSYS有限元分析    32
    3.3.1  计算结果    32
    3.4  本章小结    33
    4.  无缝线路结构设计计算    35
    4.1  由钢轨强度计算容许的温降幅度    35
    4.2  稳定性检算    36
    4.2.1  长钢轨轴向温度压力计算    36
    4.2.2  由稳定条件计算容许的温升幅度    37
    4.3  无缝线路结构设计与计算    37
    4.3.1  确定锁定轨温    37
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