




    Title       Stress Analysis of Over-length

       Concrete Structure and Crack Control Research


    With the development of economic construction and building technique ,the ultra-length concrete structures(the length of seamless structure oversteps the value our country Code prescribed) are built more and more for large public buildings and industrial buildings . If temperature and shrinkage deformation are handled badly during designing an ultra-length reinforced concrete structure , it won’t work properly . Most of the temperature and shrinkage effects are considered by structural measures in our country’s design . As a result , temperature and shrinkage problem is one of the most important research topics in ultra-length structural design.

    This paper adopted numerical analysis methods. In the project background of a certain single-built underground parking lot, this paper established a solid model for an ultra-length concrete frame shear wall structure by the finite element software ANSYS ,and took a deep analysis for temperature and shrinkage loads ; This paper focused on the structure deformation analysis, and selected 20、24、22、24、12 paths in Columns、 plates、main beam、secondary beam、shear wall members as well as analyzed stress change on these paths , obtained stress variation law ; Then this paper took the finite element simulation for the ultra-length frame shear wall structure by changing reinforcement ratio and setting several additional enhanced expansion strips according to certain principles respectively. The results showed that improving reinforcement ratio can’t induce obvious changes in structural stress, but several additional enhanced expansion strips can reduce the temperature and shrinkage stress effectively. According to the numerical results , this paper presented some measures to reduce temperature and shrinkage stress for ultra-length concrete frame shear wall structure .

    Key words: over long frame shear wall structure ; crack ; temperature ; shrinkage ; stress ; expansion reinforcing strips

    目   录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  前言 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.2.1  超长混凝土结构温度应力研究现状

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