    摘要本文介绍了迁移性阻锈剂(MC1)发展概况及其应用于混凝土结构耐久性保持与提升的意义,探讨了 MCI 的迁移机制与阻锈机理。处于海洋环境下的混凝土结构,钢筋遭受氯盐腐蚀,使混凝土的耐久性降低、服役寿命缩短。研究氯盐侵蚀和混凝土中钢筋阻锈剂的迁移问题对开展混凝土结构的长寿命设计、提高工程结构的服役安全性具有重要意义。本文针对这一问题,通过数值建模、实验测试,研究不同条件下的阻锈剂迁移的变化规律。为方便开展混凝土受 MCI 的湿润过程的数值模拟,本文借助水分在混凝土中的等效扩散传输模型,给出了 MCI 润湿过程中的等效扩散系数模型。主要内容及结论如下: (1) 根据混凝土中阻锈剂迁移机制,运用 Fick定律与Darcy定律,考虑 MCI在混凝土中气相扩散和液相渗透,并运用质量守恒定律,获得混凝土中阻锈剂传输方程,该方程是一个非线性的偏微分方程,利用单点子域精细积分法获得了该方程在一维情况下的半解析解,并应用 MATLAB 语言编制了相应的分析程序。 (2) 设计并制作了不同水灰比的水泥砂浆试件,并按阻锈剂一维传输情况制作了厚度不同的多组切片,以开展阻锈剂在混凝土中的湿润一维传输实验,以验证所建立的阻锈剂传输模型的合理性。结果表明,阻锈剂传输模型的计算值与实验测试值结果较为一致,说明本文所建立的模型可用于分析混凝土中的阻锈剂传输规律。61111
    Title   Experiment and analysis of migrating corrosion       inhibitors (MCI) transport in concrete       
    Abstract Development and background of migrating corrosion inhibitors(MCI)as well as the significance of maintenance and improvement  of durability in reinforced concrete structure using MCI are introduced. The reinforcing steel bars in concrete structures in marine environment are corroded by chloride, which reduce its durability and shorten the service lifetime. Studies on  chloride corrosion  and  the transfer of  corrosion inhibitors  is of great significance to carry out long-lifetime  design  and to improve the security  of concrete structures. To solve this problem,  numerical simulation and  experiments were used to investigate the  change regulation of  corrosion inhibitors  transport  under different conditions.  In order to expediently developing the numerical simulation of concrete wet process by MCI, this article reference the transfer model of moisture equivalent diffusion  in concrete, and  give the  transfer model  of concrete wet process by MCI. The main contents and conclusions are as follows: (1) Based on  the  MCI  transport  mechanism  in concrete, using  Fick's law and Darcy's law, and law of conservation of mass, the MCI transport equation in concrete, which is associated with  vapor diffusion and liquid penetration, was established.  The equation is a nonlinear partial differential equation, and it is solved by one-point subdomain high precise integration method to obtain an one-dimension semi-analytical solution, and an analytical program is completed by MATLAB language. (2) Some mortar samples with different water-cement ratios were designed and cut into groups of slices in accordance with one-dimension transport of  corrosion inhibitors. The transport experiments of  corrosion inhibitors in the slices were carried to  verify the established  corrosion inhibitors model.  There  result  indicates that the results from the  corrosion inhibitors transport model agree well with that of experiments, thus it can be used to analyze the process of the corrosion inhibitors transport in concrete.   
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