
    摘要:本设计要求为双向四车道公路桥梁,主要设计桥梁的上部结构,设计荷载采用公路 一级荷载。

    本设计采用预应力混凝土连续梁桥,其跨径布置为 55+90+55m,全长为 200m,主梁采 用变高度变截面的单箱单室箱型截面,施工方法采用现浇悬臂施工法。本设计使用 midas 软件分析,考虑施工过程体系转换和混凝土收缩徐变因素进行恒载内力计算。计算各控制 截面内力,并按最不利情况进行加载。依据规范选取截面梯度温差模式,并计算温差引起 的结构内力。将恒载和活载进行荷载组合,并得到结构组合内力图。根据各控制截面内力 进行了估束和配筋计算,并绘制了梁体钢束布置图。最后,对各控制截面进行验算,最终 各项检算均满足规范对全预应力结构的要求。 66304

    毕业论文关键词: 连续梁桥;计算各项内力;预应力;检算;

    The design of chang jia river bridge

    Abstract:The design requirements  for  the two-way four-lane  highway  bridge,  the  main  design of the  bridge  of the  upper structure,  the  design  load  using  road-level load.

    The  design  adopts prestressed  concrete  continuous   girder  bridge  with  a span  of 55 + 90  +

    55m and a total length of 200m. The main girder adopts single-box single-box box section with variable height variable cross section. The construction method adopts cast-in-place cantile ver construction method The This design uses midas software analysis, considering the construction process system conversion and concrete shrinkage creep factors for dead load internal force calculation. Calculate the internal force of each control section, and according  to  the  most unfavorable situation to load. According to the standard, the temperature difference model of the cross section gradient is selected and the internal force of the structure caused by the temperature difference is calculated. The load is  combined  with  the  live  load  and  the  load  is  obtained. According to the internal force of each control  section, the  estimation  and  reinforce ment calculation are carried out, and the beam layout of the beam is drawn. Finally, the control cross- section of the check, the final checks are to meet the requirements of the whole pre-stress structure. Key words:  continuous   beam bridge;  calculation  of internal  forces;  prestress; inspection;


    1 设计资料 1

    1.1 主要技术指标设计资料 1

    1.2 材料规格 1

    1.3 设计使用规范 1

    2 方案比选 2

    2.1 方案一:三跨预应力混凝土连续箱梁 2

    2.2 方案二:三跨箱梁刚构桥 4

    2.3 方案三:独塔斜拉桥 6

    2.4 比选结果 7

    2.5 施工方法 8

    3 选定方案桥梁整体布置及尺寸拟定 9

    3.1 方案简述 9

    3.2 梁截面细部尺寸拟定 9

    3.2.1 桥梁整体尺寸设计 9

    3.2.2 跨中及墩顶截面尺寸拟定结果 10

    3.2.3 各截面细部尺寸 11

    4 预应力混凝土连续梁桥内力计算

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