






    2. Abstract

    High-rise shear wall structure design of Shanddong Zaozhuang City Ruijiarongyuan 11# Residential building

    The design for the residential building of Ruijiarongyuan 11# located in Zaozhuang City,Shangdong.The building's structure type is the shear wall structure.A total of fourteen floors, twelve floors above the ground, two floors underground. The height of the building is 39 meters.The total construction size comparison rules, the rules are not only convenient for construction, but also conducive to the structural seismic.

    The main content of the design for the structural design.

    Structure design process including the structure scheme, structure calculation and structure drawing.

    Structure calculation structure plan, learn and apply the general building structure design software -- PKPM model, the upper structure of the integral calculation

    According to the calculation results by drawing standard drawing construction drawing.

    Key Words:shear wall structure; structure design;

    目   录


    1. 摘要 1

    2. Abstract 1

    3. 设计原则及主要计算参数 2

    3.1 工程概况 2

    3.2 设计依据 2

    3.3 地质概况 3

    3.3.1 地形地貌 3

    3.3.2 场地土层特征描述及其工程特性评价 3

    3.3.3 地基土的物理力学指标 3

    3.4 存在问题 4

    3.4.1 地下水埋藏条件 4

    3.4.2 水、土腐蚀性评价 5

    3.5 安全等级、抗震设计 6

    3.6 设计计算辅助软件 6

    3.7 基础设计 6

    3.8 材料 6

    4. 荷载统计 7

    4.1 荷载的统计与计算 7

    4.1.1 板活荷载的确定 7


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