

    毕业论文关键词  钢结构  结构设计  钢框架结构  截面设计  节点设计 

    毕业设计说明书(论文)  外文摘要

    Title    Design of an active center building           



    Steel structure has been one of the new type structures with the widest application and fastest development for its characteristics, such as the construction speed, the attractive design, and so on. This project is to design an staff active center for Walter company .The architectural layout and the outlook of the building was designed according its function. The steel structure was used in the building design and the steel frame and the members were calculated both by hand and by PKPM software. The connection between the column and beam, the column feet were designed in detail and some construction drawings were provided. The designed building satisfies the function requirement and the structure safety. 

    Keywords:  steel structure; architectural design; steel-frame construction; cross profile design; nodes design.

    目  次

    1 引言 6

    2建筑概况 6

    2.1设计资料 6

    2.2水文资料 6

    2.3气象条件 6

    2.4地震设防要求 7

    2.5墙身做法 7

    2.6楼面做法 7

    2.7屋面做法 7

    2.8楼板做法 7

    2.9门窗做法 7

    2.10活荷载 8

    3建筑设计 8

    3.1使用部分的平面设计 8

    3.2  交通联系部分的平面设计 8

    3.3  建筑物体型组合和立面设计 13

    4结构布置 16

    5组合楼板设计 21

    5.1组合板截面尺寸估选 21

    5.2压型钢板施工阶段的验算 22

    5.3组合板使用阶段计算 23

    6框架梁、柱截面尺寸估选 29

    6.1边跨框架梁(KL-1) 29

    6.2中跨框架梁(KL-2) 30

    6.3框架柱(KZ) 30

    7内力计算 31

    7.1计算简图 31

    7.2竖向永久荷载作用下框架的内力计算 35

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