
     General Description of Design
    The design for the Wuxi Puguang building air conditioning system. Wuxi Puguang building is a small and medium-sized office building office building, All floor area about buildings are about 11554m².There are 20 floor of the building, the whole floor are using Cetral Cooling Chiller to focus on the way .  This design of the main room of the building for office, most of them is very short, and some of them are not connectd, this selected air-conditioning systems can achieve independent control for each room, considering the various factors to determine the selection of plus fresh air systems. Arrangement on the room units, use the dark form the equipment. Set the focus on fan coil system, plus the independent air system, fresh air from the outdoor unit to deal with the introduction of a new wind to the indoor air enthalpy value, are not bearing the load of indoor. All bear the indoor fan-coil cooling load and part of its new rheumatoid load. Plus an independent air systems sent by Venetian and the other side air delivery.Based on the relevant manuals provided ,and further completion of the new air units, water pumps, hot water units, such as the selection, which will be reflected in their drawings, the last design for the entire air conditioning system.
    At first, I calculate cold  load in this design, then sure air conditioning system forms, selected and layout terminal device equipment. hydraulic calculation after identifying pipe and duct diameters, then complete plan design. 
    Office buildings usually include both peripheral and interior zone spaces. The peripheral zone extends 3 to 3.6 m inward from the outer wall toward the interior of the building, and frequently has a large window area. These zones may be extensively subpided. Peripheral zones have variable loads because of changing sun position and weather. These zones typically require heating in winter. During intermediate seasons, one side of the building may require cooling, while another side requires heating. However, the interior zone spaces usually require a fairly uniform cooling rate throughout the year because their thermal loads are derived almost entirely from lights, office equipment, and people. Interior space conditioning is often by systems that have  control for low- or no-load conditions.
    Most office buildings are occupied from approximately 8:00 am to 6:00 pm; many are occupied by some personnel from as early as 5:30 am to as late as 7:00 pm. Some tenants’ operations may require night work schedules, usually not beyond 10:00 pm. Office buildings may contain printing facilities, information and computing centers, or broadcasting studios, which could operate 24 h per day. Therefore, for economical air-conditioning design, the intended uses of an office building must be well established before design development.
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 中国暖通空调的现状及未来发展    1
    1.2 空调系统节能国内外研究的现状    1
    1.2.1 空调系统节能国外研究现状    1
    1.2.2 空调系统节能国内研究现状    2
    1.3 空调的发展和前景    2
    2 工程概述    3
    2.1 国家主要规范和行业标准    3
    2.2 气象资料    3
    2.2.1 室内设计参数    4
    2.2.2 其他设计参数    4
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