    摘要基坑工程是一个古老的、 放坡、挖掘和简易的木桩支护可以追溯到古代。 尤其是本世纪,随着高层、大量基坑工程的要求越来越高,出现的问题也愈来愈多,使得工程技术人员必须以新的视觉去看待基坑工程这一旧的课题,许多新经验和研究方法因此出现。 出现了许多技术先进且 但因为基坑工程的复杂性以及不恰当的设计和施工,工程事故的概 33525
    关键词   毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
    Title    The pit supporting design of Huzhou Yurun central    International square foundation                                                
    Foundation pit engineering is an ancient and era characteristic of geotechnical engineering issue. Slope excavation and simple wooden support can be traced back to ancient times. Human civil engineering’s activities promotes the development of the foundation pit engineering, especially in this century, as a large number of high-level, high-rise buildings and underground engineering, the requirement of foundation pit engineering are more and more strict and so do the problems, it makes engineering and technical persons with new eyes to look at this ancient excavation engineering subject, it also makes many new experiences and theoretical research methods come to emerge. Although due to many new construction technology into practice, many advanced technology of successful engineering examples, but because of the complexity of the foundation pit engineering as well as the improper design and construction, the probabilities of happening engineering accident are still very high.
    Keywords  Retaining and protection of foundation excavation; Cast-in-situ bored pile; Cement-soil wall
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  拟建工程概况    1
    1.2  区域气象、水文    1
    1.3  地形、地貌及环境条件    2
    1.4  地基土的构成、分布及特征分析    2
    1.5  设计参数    4
    1.6  设计思路及方案选择    4
    2  支护结构设计与计算    6
    2.1  AB-CD段钻孔灌注桩加内支撑,以J48为计算点    6
    2.1.1  土压力计算    7
    2.1.2  上段等值梁计算    8
    2.1.3  下段等值梁计算    9
    2.1.4  求最大弯矩Mmax    9
    2.1.5  钻孔灌注桩桩体配筋计算    10
    2.1.6  钻孔灌注桩嵌固稳定性验算    11
    2.1.7  钻孔灌注桩抗隆起稳定性验算    12
    2.1.8  整体稳定性要求验算    13
    2.1.9  支撑梁结构设计计算    14
    2.1.10 连系梁结构设计    16
    2.1.11 立柱结构设计    17
    2.1.12 冠梁设计    17
    2.2  BC段重力式水泥土墙设计计算,以J72为计算点    19
    2.2.1  土压力计算    19
    2.2.2  重力式水泥土墙的抗滑移稳定性验算    21
    2.2.3  重力式水泥土墙的抗倾覆稳定性验算    21
    2.2.4  重力式水泥土墙圆弧滑动稳定性验算    22
    2.2.5  重力式水泥土墙的抗隆起稳定性验算    23
    2.2.6  重力式水泥土墙的正截面应力验算    25
    2.3  DE-EF-FA段重力式水泥土墙设计计算,以J155为计算点    27
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