
    摘要: 本设计为上海某办公楼中央空调系统的设计。总建筑面积约为3348m2。该建筑从地上一层大厅、展厅设全空气空气调节系统, 空调热媒为60/50℃热水,由换热站提供。办公建筑考虑其单独调节性及舒适要求均采用风机盘管加新风的空调系统。新风机组将新风处理至室内状态焓值直接送入室内,不再另设空气处理装置。建筑消防上对消防楼梯间及电梯前室设置了火灾时加压送风设备。


    毕业论文关键词: 全空气系统;风机盘管加新风系统;空调水系统

    Design of Central Air Aonditioning System for an Office Building in Shanghai

    Abstract: This design is the design of the central air conditioning system of an office building in Shanghai. The total construction area is about 3348m2. The building from the ground floor hall hall, a full air conditioning system, air conditioning heat medium is 60/50 DEG C hot water provided by the heat exchange station. The office building takes into consideration its independent regulation and comfort requirements, and adopts the air conditioning system with fan coil units and fresh air. The fresh air unit treats the fresh air to the room, and the enthalpy is directly sent into the room, and no air treatment device is set up. Building fire set fire to fire the stair and elevator when pressurized air supply equipment.

    In addition to the exhaust air system in the toilet, the exhaust air of the other rooms adopts natural ventilation, and the exhaust system is not installed separately. Fire valve is set on each pipe, usually opened and closed when fire. The horizontal water level of fan coil water system is arranged in the same way, the exhaust device (automatic exhaust valve) is set at the highest point in the water pipe system, and the discharge device (drain valve) is installed at the lowest point

    Keywords: All-air systems;FCU+FA SYSTEM;Air conditioning water system;


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    1   工程概况....5

    1.1 设计资料 5

    1.2.1 设计原始资料: 6

    2   负荷计算....7

    2.1 冷负荷计算 7

    2.1.1建筑围护结构冷负荷 7

    2.1.2 照明散热形成的冷负荷 8

    2.1.3 人体散热形成的冷负荷 8

    2.2 湿负荷计算 9

    2.2.1 人体散湿量 9

    2.2.2 敞开水表面散湿量 9

    2.3热负荷计算 10

    2.3.1 围护结构的基本耗热量 10

    2.3.2 围护结构的附加耗热量 11

    2.3.3 门窗缝隙渗入冷空气的耗热量 11

    2.4 新风负荷计算 11

    2.5 建筑负荷计算 12

    3   空调系统的划分与组成...13

    3.1空气调节系统的分类 13

    3.2系统方案确定 14

    4   空气处理过程及设备选型.16

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