

    毕业论文关键词: 零河线,马关县,公路。

    The total design specification

        Maguan County which Linhe Highway located located in the southeast of Yunnan Province, East Malipo county and Xichou County connected, and across the Panlong River, the southern border with Vietnam street, river two, Jing door, Malaysia street, Huang Shupi, Meng Kang four county, southwest of Pingbian and Honghe Prefecture estuary, two adjacent to the junction of the North County, and Wenshan County. County 442 kilometers from the provincial capital of Kunming, is located 72 kilometers from the capital Wenshan, about 20 kilometers from the border between China and Vietnam; from Kunming Hekou railway highway and 102 kilometers away from the "Heng Kun" highway 106 kilometers, 130 kilometers away from Malipo County, Tianbao port. Belong to temperate monsoon climate, four distinct seasons, the annual average temperature between 13.6-14.7 degrees. The area is undulating and hilly, belonging to the hilly areas of the mountain, but rich in mineral resources, mineral resources of various types, large reserves, there are 11 kinds of zinc, tin, indium and other 47 kinds. Biological resources are very rich, especially medicine, edible strawberry cultivation has a long history, large scale. Therefore, it is necessary to build a highway with a little function to promote the local economic development.


     Keyword:  Linhe Line,Maguan County,Highway。

    目 录

    零河线二级公路一阶段施工图设计 1

    零河线计算总说明 1

    目 录 2

    引 言 1

    1 绪论 2

    1.1 设计任务 2

    1.2 任务要求 2

    1.3 设计资料,参数 2

    2 选线 3

    2.1 选线的意义 3

    2.2 选线原则 3

    2.3 选线成果 3

    3 平面设计 4

    3.1 平面设计的要求 4

    3.1.1 一般规定 4

    3.1.2 直线 4

    3.1.2 圆曲线 4

    3.1.3 缓和曲线 4

    3.2平面设计要素计算。 6

    3.2.1 曲线要素计算 6

    3.3.2 计算实例 6

    4 纵断面设计 18

    4.1 概述

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