
    摘 要:该地块位于淮安市淮阴区,东临康平路,西临西坝路,北靠电大路,南边是盐河,地理区位十分具有竞争优势。规划中遵循区域一体化、协调性和整体效益性原则,以“面向未来地缘人文,拓掘进步时代脉搏,塑造滨水特质空间”为规划理念,打造一个集商贸、居住、滨水观光、文化教育于一体的现代化中高档居住区。在规划中依托淮阴师范学院和淮海中学特有的自然与文化资源,展示其独特的地区文化——教育文化,以高标准、高定位,打造教育文化街区。从人性化角度,完善各类基础配套设施,使原居民具有强烈的地域认同感。本项目的建设将会为周边园区提供更好的配套服务,也会对旧城改造、保护环境等方面起到积极的推动作用,为城市发展做出贡献。65517


    Abstract:The land is located in Huai'an City, Huaiyin District, east of Kangping Road, west of Xiba Road, north of Dianda Road, south of the Salt River. The geographical location is very competitive. Followed in the coordination and overall benefit principle to “face the future geopolitical humanities, dig progress extension the pulse of The Times, shaping waterfront character space for planning idea”, makes a collection of trade and business, live, shore water tourism, culture and education in one of the modern high-grade residential areas. In the planning based on Huaiyin normal university and Huaihai middle school's unique natural and cultural resources, display its unique regional culture, education culture, to high standards, high positioning, to create educational and cultural blocks. This project will be around for the construction industry park provide better supporting service, for urban renewal, and protect environment play a positive role in, for urban development to make the contribution. 

    Keywords:Waterfront Tourism,Culture and education,In the high-end residential

    目    录

    1.  现状分析 4

    1.1  项目背景概况 4

    1.2  基地现状分析 4

    1.3  周边环境分析 4

    1.4  设计理念 4

    1.5  设计依据 5

    2  概念规划 5

    2.1  功能定位 5

    2.2  规划原则 6

    2.3  绿化景观绿化 6

    2.4  道路交通组织 7

    2.5  消防设计与无障碍设计 7

    2.6  综合节能设计 7

    建筑设计 8

    3.1  住宅设计 8

    3.2  商业设施 8

    4  规划设计 9

    4.1  功能分区 9

    4.2  道路红线 9

    4.3  规划布局 9

    5 综合经济技术指标 10

    结  论 11

    参 考 文 献 12

    致  谢 13

    附  录 14

    1 现状分析

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