
    摘 要:施工组织设计是建筑施工组织的核心和灵魂,是对工程建设项目全过程的构思设想和具体安排,用来指导施工项目全过程各项活动的技术,经济和组织的综合性文件。本施工组织设计是针对府升小区17#楼工程施工的纲领性文件。编制时对施工总体部署、施工准备、主要分部分项工程施工方法、工程质量保证措施、施工现场管理措施等诸多因素尽可能充分考虑,突出科学性、适用性及针对性,是确保优质、低耗、安全、文明、高速完成全部施工任务的重要经济技术文件。本设计主要针对工程施工组织设计、施工进度计划安排、施工平面布置图做出具体施工方案。为确保工期、质量及安全、文明工地,节约成本等条件,编制出针对性的施工组织设计,每个分部分项工程的特点,结构特征,施工难易程度工期和质量要求,编制出切实可行的施工方案。以指导施工顺利地完成本工程项目的建设,控制工程成本,创建优质工程。65607


    Abstract:Construction organization design is the core and soul of the construction organization, is for the whole process of engineering construction project design ideas and specific arrangement, used to guide the construction project whole process activities of technology, economy and organization of comprehensive files. The construction organization design is aimed at house rose 17 # building engineering construction of the programmatic document. When compiling the construction overall arrangement, construction preparation, main partial construction method, engineering quality assurance measures, construction site management measures, and many other factors fully considered as far as possible, outstanding scientific, applicability and pertinence, is to ensure high quality, low consumption, safety, civilization, high-speed finish all the construction task of the important economic and technical documents. This design mainly for engineering construction organization design, construction schedule arrangement, construction layout make concrete construction scheme. In order to ensure the construction period, quality and safety and civilized construction site, save costs and other conditions, formulate specific the construction organization design, each pision of the sectional works characteristics, structure features, ease of construction period and quality requirements, develop the feasible construction scheme. In order to guide the construction successfully complete the construction of the project, control the engineering cost, create quality engineering.

    Keyword:quality control, progress control, organization and management, construction plan

    目   录

    1    设计选题说明 3

    1.1  选题依据 3

    1.2  设计项目概况 3

    1.3  设计目的和要求 3

    1.4  数据资料选取 3

    1.5  设计重点和难点 4

    1.6  设计实现可能性分析 4

    2  设计依据 4

    2.1  理论与方法 4

    2.2  规范和标准 4

    2.3  参考文献选用 6

    3  设计的技术路线 7

    3.1  工程概况 7

    3.4  建筑节能施工 9

    3.5  施工进度计划及措施

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