




    Design of Shanghai city Dalian road high rise commercial building complex


    The modern commercial complex is already a combination of three or more functions of urban living space,such as business,office,residence,hotel,exhibition,catering,conference, entertainment and so on, and establishes an interdependence and mutual benefit relationship, thus forming a multi-functional, efficient, complicated and unified complex.

    As the improvement of design level and construction technology of commercial complex, from the beginning, its high accessibility, high density of intensive, overall unity, functional complex has been unable to fully meet the needs of working life.Even if it is a large space scale and high-tech integrated facilities, the characteristics are still insufficient to be called an era of business complex.Commercial complex is not only to meet people's basic places for working and shopping and entertainment, how to use such a small environment to improve people's lives and work quality, so that people are willing to approach them, is a relentless pursuit for commercial complex.

    The concept of "green building" is of great significance to the design of commercial complexes.How to make the design to obtain economic benefits ,and on the other hand,make environmental protection and energy conservation to obtain social benefits, but also becomes a new exploration of business complex.

    目  录

    1  引言     3

    1.1  项目概况  3

    2  方案论证 3

    2.1  高层商业建筑综合体分析  3

    2.2  高层商业建筑综合体设计要点 4

    3  设计内容5

    3.1项目问题分析 5

    3.2 项目目标定位 5

    4  设计理念     5

    4.1建筑交通组织 5

    4.2建筑结构设计 5

    4.3建筑材料、构造与细部设计 6

    4.4建筑系统性设计 6

    4.5其他特殊性及专项设计  6

    5  结论   6

    6  致谢   6

    7  参考文献 7

    1、 引言

    1.1 项目概况





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