

    毕业论文关键词: 投标;工程量清单;风险研究

    Research on Bid Risk Based on Bill of Quantities

    Abstract:In the context of the bill of quantities, China's construction industry has grown in scale, more and more enterprises, and competition is becoming more and more intense. A project in the market will cause dozens or even hundreds of enterprises to compete. If the enterprise wants to survive the project, we must attach great importance to the corresponding bidding risk research work. In the current "13 version of the list of pricing norms", the tender there are many risks. With the extension of the construction period, the price changes, the expansion of the scale of the project, the risk of various construction processes also increased the possibility. The bidding activity under the bill can ensure the quality of the construction project to a certain extent, control the project cost and improve the management level of the enterprise, but the risk increases at the same time. The above risk is the same as the bidder may bear unpredictable losses. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to strengthen the bidding risk research in the bill of quantities model.

    KeyWords:Bidding; Bill of Quantities; Risk Study


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究意义 2

    2 基于工程量清单计价的投标风险概述 5

    2.1 投标风险概述 5

    2.1.1 投标的概念 5

    2.1.2 投标的特征 5

    2.1.3 风险的概念 5

    2.1.4 风险的特征 5

    2.1.5 投标风险概念 6

    2.2 工程量清单计价概述 6

    2.2.1 工程量清单计价概念 6

    2.2.2 工程量清单计价与传统定额计价的区别 7

    2.2.3 工程量清单计价实施对投标的影响 8

    3 基于工程量清单计价的投标风险识别 9

    3.1 业主信用风险 9

    3.2 工程量清单投标报价风险 9

    3.2.1 不平衡报价的风险 9

    3.2.2 踏勘现场及招标文件风险 10

    3.2.3 工程量清单组价的风险 11

    3.2.4 清单相关政策风险 11

    3.3 技术风险 12

    3.4 管理风险 12

    3.5 工程量清单合同订立的风险

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