    摘要: 随着经济的快速发展,现代社会的城市化和工业化,滨水地带大量被开发建设,生产和生活用水量、污水排放逐渐增加,导致了滨水环境的日益恶化。滨水空间景观设计涉及城市生态系统的修复、生产生活的安全保障、历史文化与地区生活方式的承继等物质与文化精神领域的众多方面的内容。为实现社会与自然和谐发展,应采取多样化和可持续的开发模式,推动城市公共开放空间体系的建立和完善。
    关键词: 移民文化;景观设计;生态修复;3864
    Hongtong, shanxi fenhe landscape ecological restoration engineering of the immigrant culture environment planning and design
    Abstract:With the rapid development of economy, modern city and industrialization, the waterfront was a large number of development and construction, production and living water, sewage emissions gradually increased, resulted in the waterfront environment worsening. The succession of material and cultural field of waterfront space landscape design involves the city ecosystem restoration, production and life security, historical culture and way of life of many aspects. For the realization of a harmonious society and nature development, should adopt the diversification and sustainable development pattern, and promote the establishment and improvement of city public open space system.
    Survey and Analysis on the planning and design of the literature and theory study, method, theory basis of landscape ecology, landscape planning and design and other disciplines, system  
    analysis of the status quo, the ecological restoration of waterfront landscape in the base situation. Through the landscape planning and design, according to the different local immigrant culture, combining the four hall, a different culture.

    Keyword:  Immigrant culture;landscape design; ecological restoration;
    目  录
    一、引言     1
    (一)设计依据        1
    (二)设计原则        1
    (三)设计目的        2
    二、背景资料与理论基础 2
    (一) 背景资料       2
    (二) 理论基础       2
    三、基地现状 4
    (一)区位概况        4
    (二)基地调研        5
    四、设计理念与目的     6
    (一)设计理念        6
    (二)设计目标        7
    五、设计手法与表现     8
    (一)设计内容        8
    (二)设计方法        10
    751、结束语   11,3864
    (一) 设计依据
    《公园设计规划》CJJ 48—92
    《城市绿地设计规范》GB 50420-2007
    (二) 设计原则
    1、 以人为本原则
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