Suzhou design structure of a brand management company statement
Abstract:The project is the structure design of Suzhou Brand Management Co., Ltd.
The structure design: First determine structure using cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, roof and floor adopts the cast-in-place structure.Then beam plate column dimension, the determination of strength of concrete and steel grade, material and size is determined using PKPM software structure layout drawing.Plate reinforcement results is obtained by computer software.After completion, the calculation of a common framework for the design of overall structure, mainly in the SETWE, and the cycle ratio, displacement ratio, axial compression ratio three indexes to judge, judge whether results qualified.Drawing pile foundation in JCCAD.Finally completed the beam plate column method construction drawing, foundation construction drawing and stair detail drawing.
Key words:reinforced concrete frame structure;structure design;PKPM modeling
1. 结构方案设计...6
1.1 设计依据...6
1.2 工程概况...6
1.2.1 自然条件....6
1.3 结构方案设计.7
1.3.4 荷载计算...10
2. 楼屋面荷载与配筋计算....11
2.1 楼屋面荷载计算11
2.1.1 屋面荷载(不上人).11
2.1.2 楼板荷载标准值...12
2.1.3 卫生间.12
2.1.4 活荷载.12
2.2 电算屋面、楼面配筋13
2.2.1 楼板配筋电算.14
2.2.2 手算部分...25
3 楼屋面荷载与配筋计算..
3. 代表性框架... 30
3.1 框架选取及其计算简图..... 31
3.2 竖向荷载计算.... 32
3.3 水平荷载计算.....33
3.3.1 风荷载计算....33
3.3.2 地震荷载计算33
3.4 框架内力电算.....36
3.4.1 恒载作用..37
3.4.2 活载作用..39
3.4.3 风荷载39
3.4.4 地震作用..39
3.5 内力组合结果.....40
4. 整体结构设计.42
4.1 设计参数.42
4.2 设计结果..52
4.2.1 周期地震力与振型输出文件.52
4.2.2 位移输出文件.61
4.3 结果分析..73
5. 主楼梯设计.....72