


    Foundation pit design of Nanjing Metro Line 2

    Abstract: This design is the foundation pit retaining structure design of Nanjing Metro Line 2. The focus includes four major aspects: selection of retaining scheme, design and calculation of retaining structure, reduction and drainage of foundation pit and construction organization plan. According to the general situation of the project of the foundation pit and its features, in consideration of the safety of the foundation pit and economic premise of choose of bored occluding pile as a retaining structure soil doubles as a water stop curtain. The internal force, bending moment and embedded depth of the wall are calculated by using the equivalent beam method in the calculation of the soil and water pressure. Light well point precipitation method. Because of the deep foundation pit, larger, but also has a rich bearing water, so the use of bored pile as the foundation pit that is, Nanjing Metro Line 2 station foundation pit support type.

    KeyWords: Water and soil pressure; bored pile; confined water dewatering; stability checking calculation; internal force calculation



    1 工程概况 1

    1.1 工程概况 1

    1.2 水文地质工程条件 1

    1.2.1 工程地质层分布与特征描述 1

    1.2.2 水文地质条件 2

    2 基坑围护方案选用与比较 3

    2.1 基坑支护的类型及其特点和适用范围 3

    2.1.1 钻孔灌注桩+止水帷幕法 3

    2.1.2 土钉墙 3

    2.1.3 排桩支护 3

    2.1.4 槽钢钢板桩 4

    2.1.5 型钢水泥土搅拌桩墙(SMW工法) 4

    2.1.6 地下连续墙 4

    2.2 基坑特点及方案比选 5

    2.2.1 基坑特点 5

    2.2.2 基坑安全等级 5

    2.2.3 基坑支护设计参数 5

    2.2.4 方案比选

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