
    摘要该毕业设计目标建筑位于南京市,是一类公共建筑,主体部分采用多塔结构,商业用房部分为框架结构。商业用房部分地上四层,地下一层。宾馆地上十七层,地下一层。建筑高度73.8米,建筑面积约33365平方米。该建筑有商场、餐厅、多功能厅、洗浴中心、客房等。设计包括该建筑的空调,通风及必要的防排烟。本设计选择了空气-水系统,全空气系统,并独立完成了全栋楼空调通风工程设计,空调冷热源工程设计。此设计做了这些房间所有暖通空调水系统、新风系统、排风系统的设计,包括负荷计算、系统选择、设备选型、系统整体设计、设计检查及调整、暖通空调设计图纸的绘制等。 最终,设计得到建筑暖通空调设计图纸20张,设计说明书一份。66192

    毕业论文关键词  暖通空调  采暖  通风  空调



    Title    The HVAC design for NanJing hotel                     



    The target architecture is in Nanjing city .It is a kind of public building. Main body part adopts multiple tower structure,and commercial housing parts is the frame structure. The first to fourth floors on the ground of this building is used for commercial,and one floor underground .From the first to the seventeenth floors are used for hotel rooms , and one floor underground. Building height is 73.8 meters, construction area of about 33365 square meters. The building has market, restaurants, multi-function hall, bath center, guest rooms, etc.The design includes the building air conditioning, ventilation and need to smoke control design. This design choses the air - water system, air system. And independently completed the whole building air-conditioning and ventilation engineering design and air conditioning cold and heat source design. This design to do all the rooms of hvac water system, air system and air exhaust system. Including load calculation, system selection, equipment selection, system overall design, design review, and adjustment, the hvac design drawings, drawing and so on. In the end, the design for building hvac design drawings20 pieces, a design specification.

    Keywords  HVAC  the heating  the ventilation  the air conditioning

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    2  概论  1

    2.1 工程概况  1

    2.2  设计依据 2

    3  空调负荷计算 4

    3.1空调室内外计算参数 4

    3.2 空调新风量的确定5 

    3.3 空调冷负荷计算6

    3.4 湿负荷计算 9

    3.5 空调热负荷计算 10

    3.6 空调负荷计算结果汇总与分析 12

    4  空调系统冷热源设计14


    4.2 空调冷热源的分类 15

    4.3 常用空调冷热源的特点 15

    4.4 空调冷热源方案的确定 15

    4.5空调冷热源机房的设计  16

    5 空调方式的设计 22

    5.1 建筑功能特点及典型空调方式 22

    5.2 空调方式确定与系统划分 22

    5.3 典型区域的空调方式设计 23

    6 空气处理设备设计与选型  23


    7 空调系统设计 31

    7.1 送风量的确定 31

    7.2 空调风系统的构成 32

    7.3 风系统设计计算 32

    7.4 风道设计 33

    7.5 风口与气流组织设计 34

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