



    1. 工程概况;

    2. 屋盖、楼盖设计;

    3. 荷载计算;

    4. 框架结构的受力分析、计算和设计;

    5. 楼梯设计;

    6. 桩基础设计。




    So far, the reinforced concrete frame structure is one of the most widely used structure form in the world. Although, it is widely used in structural design, however, it still exists a lot of technical problems. So, we need to improve the calculation method firstly. This paper from the structure design calculation, construction measures and design considerations are discussed in this paper, thus, we can avoid some necessary problems in the design of reinforced concrete frame structure.

    This is a teaching building of a university in Nanjing. It is a multi-layer reinforced concrete frame. It has five stories, the height of the first storey is 4.2 meters, and the height of other stories are all 3.6 meters.The height of the whole building is 23.8 meters. 

    This paper includes the following parts:

    1. The survey of the program.

    2. The design of the floor slab.

    3. The calculation of the load.

    4.The mechanical analysis,calculation and design of the frame.

    5. The design of the staircase.

    6. The design of the pile base.

    There are 8 structure drawings besides this paper.

    Keywords:reinforced concrete, frame, the design of the structure

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 选题的目的与意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 1

    1.3 主要研究内容 2

    第二章 工程概况 3

    第三章 屋盖、楼盖设计 4

    3.1 屋盖 4

    3.1.1 设计资料 4

    3.1.2 屋盖的结构平面布置图 4

    3.1.3 板的设计(弹性理论) 4

    3.1.4 次梁的设计 10

    3.2 楼盖 13

    3.2.1 设计资料 13

    3.2.2 楼盖盖的结构平面布置图 14

    3.2.3 板的设计(弹性理论) 14

    3.2.4 次梁的设计 19

    第四章 框架结构布置及计算简图 23

    4.1 梁柱尺寸 23

    4.2 计算简图(取轴线⑥处) 23

    4.3 梁柱线刚度

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